awards grant
"Collaborative Research:WSC-Category 1-Linking freshwater inputs to ecosystem functioning and services provided by a large mangrove estuary"
25th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference.
3D C-NEMS based Aptasensors
3D On-Chip Hybrid Micropower
A Climate Mobility Framework for Evaluating Equity Outcomes in Climate Resilience Decision Making
A Drive-Through Management Service for Internet Enabled Ad-Hoc Networks.
A Multifaceted Examination of the Application of Ethnoracial Law in Contemporary Multicultural Ecuador
A New Class of Millimeter-wave Phased Array for Secure High Data Rate Systems with Lower Power Back-ends
A New Collaborative Effort for Biomimetic-Based Research on Thermal Behavior of Geomaterials
A Physics-Based Artificial Intelligence General Framework for Optimal Control of Sewer Systems to Minimize Sewer Overflows
A Value-Driven Multi-Sector Stakeholder Decision-Making Framework to Support Disaster Resilient Communities
A study of how Pre-College Informal Activities Influence Female Participation in STEM Careers
ADVANCE Adaptation: Intersectionality and Mentoring in the Professoriate for Advancement, Community, and Transformation (IMPACT)
ADVANCE Institutional Transformation at FIU 2016-2021
APS Bridge Program Postdoctoral Researcher
ASCENT: Reconfigurable Metal-Free Microsystems with Alternative Power Sources
AccelNet-Implementation: Broadening Carbon Ring
AccelNet-Implementation: Broadening Carbon Ring
Acquisition of Research Instrumentation for Web-based Visualization of Spati-Temporal Data
Acquisition of an Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer for Department of Earth & Enviroment at Florida International University
Additive Manufacturing Forward Florida
Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensor Technologies (ASSIST)
American Sign Language Literacy Support System
An Integrated Software Tool for Modeling and Model-Based Control Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment.
An Investigation into feedbacks between low-level cloud, atmospheric circulation and temperature on decadal timescales and in anthropogenic climate
Analytical Study of Certain Turbulence and Lare-Scale Geophysical Models.
Anomalies in Coral
Arctic Observing Networks: Collaborative Research: ITEX AON - understanding the relationships between vegetation change, plant phenology, and ecosystem function in a warming Arctic
Arctic Observing Networks: Collaborative Research: Sustaining and amplifying the ITEX AON through automation and increased interdisciplinarity of observations.
Assessing the Impact of landscape changes on the environmental dynamics of urban watersheds
Assessment of Cascading Failures and Collective Recovery of Interdependent Critical Infrastructure in Catastrophic Disasters: A Study of 2015 Nepal's Earthquake
Assessment of paradoxical signal reliability
Atomic Coherence and Interference in a Coupled Atom-Cavity System
Audio for Inclusion: Uncovering Marginalized Student Narratives to Provide Insight to Faculty on the Known Unknowns of Inclusion
Augmented Learning for Environmental Robotics Technologies (ALERT) A Data-Driven Approach for Sustainable Built Environments
BCSER: IID: Evaluating the effect of Alternative grading strategies on mastery goal orientations
BDD: Data-Driven Techniques to Address Critical Information Exchange Needs in Disaster
Affected Public-Private Networks
BE/CBC: Complex interactions among water nutrients and carbon stocks and fluxes across a natural fertility gradient in tropical rain forest.
BIORETS workshop
BPC-A: The Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions.
BPC-AE: An Extended CAHSI Alliance to Broaden Participation in Graduate Studies
BPC-AE: Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (CAHSI) Renewal
BPC-AE: Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions-Building a Resilient, Sustainable, and Adaptable CAHSI Ecosystem
BRIGE: OS-Specific Many Core Design
Bandage-integrated platform for feedback-mediated wound therapy
Behaviorally mediated indirect species interactions in a subtropical seagrass community.
Belmont Forum Collaborative Research: Food, Water, Energy (CRUNCH: Climate Resilient Urban Nexus Choice)
Big Data Big Network
Big Geospatial Data for Decision Support in Ebola Triage
Bio-molecular Mechanisms of Interaction between 2D Chalcogenide Materials and Environmentally-Relevant Biosystems
Biocomplexity Associated with the Response of Arctic Tundra Carbon Balkance to Warming and Drying Across Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales.
Biological self assembly: tissue mechanics of the spongy mesophyll in flowers
Bridge to doctorate 2015 Cohort
Bridge to doctorate Cohort at FIU
Building Capacity: Catalyzing Change in Calculus (C3)
Building Partnerships and Pathways to Address the Foundational Grand Challenge for Engineering
Building a Digital Twin-Based Virtual Engineering Laboratory for Students with Disabilities
Bureaucratic Professionalization in New Democracies: Drivers and Developmental Dynamics
CAREER: A Collaborative Adaptive Data Sharing Platform
CAREER: Active Block Layer Extension: A Foundation for Building Self-Managing Storage Systems
CAREER: Advancing Network Configuration and Runtime Adaptation Methods for Industrial Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks
CAREER: Amplifying and Examining the Change Narratives of Engineering Education's Positive Deviants
CAREER: An Asset-based Longitudinal and Intersectional Analysis of African American and Black Women¿s Experiences within Informal and Formal Engineering Education
CAREER: Assessing Effects of Ecosystem Fragmentation Using Novel Metrics of Trophic Structure as Part of a Broad Educational Outreach Program
CAREER: Better Together: Leveraging the Shared Commitment of Community Colleges and HBCUs to Optimize Black Engineering Student Pathways
CAREER: Bridging the Global Gap on Understanding Downburst Impacts on Buildings: Field Data-Modeling Research and Education for More Resilient Communities
CAREER: Changing the Landscape: Towards the Development of a Physics Identity in High School
CAREER: Coordinating Tenants in Colocation Data Centers via Market Approach
CAREER: Cracking the diversity code: Understanding computing pathways of those least represented
CAREER: Cyber Physical Solution for High Penetration Renewables in Smart Grid
CAREER: Development of gas-phase, post-ionization structural tools for the study of DNA-protein complexes.
CAREER: Does Predator Intimidation Help Structure a Pristine Seagrass Community Through Multiple Indirect Pathways?
CAREER: Exploring Immunological Priming in a Basal Metazoan (Anthozoan).
CAREER: Fish-derived nutrients in a coral reef ecosystem - impacts on benthic communities and importance for coral restoration
CAREER: Full-Scale Simulation of Peak Responses to Reduce Hurricane Damage to low Buildings and use of Related Research to develop Hurricane-Engineering Expertise
CAREER: Fundamentals and New Materials for Hydrogen Electrode of Proton Conducting Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
CAREER: Genetic and Molecular Mechanisms of Parasite Infection in Insects
CAREER: Harnessing Multiscale Biophysical Cues for Engineering Adult Heart Tissue
CAREER: Holistic Resource Management Framework
CAREER: Image speed and visual acuity during fly flight
CAREER: Immersive Large-Scale Network Simulations
CAREER: Investigate 3D extracellular potential distribution at single cell level
CAREER: Investigation and Parameterizion of Hurricane Boundary Layer Processes for Improving Hurricane Forecast and Mitigation
CAREER: Learning Multi-Level Narrative Structure
CAREER: Measuring the thermal tolerances of individuals, populations, and species and predicting plant species responses to climate change in the tropical Andes
CAREER: Mechanics of Next-Generation Composites using Cellulose and Bioinspired Interfaces
CAREER: Mining Log Data for Computing System Management
CAREER: Nanoscale Multi-Element Plasmonic Devices for Tu
CAREER: Near Net Shape Consolidation of Nanocmposites by Plasma Spray Forming.
CAREER: Next Generation Universal Radio Platform with "On-Demand" Operation across UHF to Sub-Terahertz Bands
CAREER: Nonlinear phenomena in dispersive PDE
CAREER: Operation of Distribution Grids in the Context of High-Penetration Distributed Energy Resources and Flexible Loads
CAREER: Power Aware Scheduling for Real-Time Embedded Sy
CAREER: Power Aware Scheduling for Real-Time Embedded Systems
CAREER: RUI: NetDA -- Protein Network-Based Software for Disease Analysis Using Cliques, Bipartite Graphs, and Diffusion Kernels
CAREER: Reproductive mode and horizontal gene transfer in nematode worms: Training early career researchers in computational evolutionary biology
CAREER: Rethinking Dynamic Wireless Networks through the Lens of Riemannian Geometry
CAREER: Robust Modeling and Predictions of Stream Water Quality and Ecosystem Health in Complex Urban-Natural Environments
CAREER: Scalable and Adaptive Edge Stream Processing
CAREER: Securing Sensory Side-Channels in Cyber-Physical Systems
CAREER: Self-assembled Biodegradable Conjugated Polymers for RNA Interference
CAREER: Synthesis and Electronic/Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Junctions.
CAREER: Talking Science: Early STEM Identity Formation Through Everyday Science Talk
CAREER: The Evolution of Waterbear Resilience
CAREER: Towards Broadband and UAV-Assisted Heterogeneous Networks for Public Safety Communications
CAREER: Towards Fast and Scalable Algorithms for Big Proteogenomics Data Analytics
CAREER: Using Equity Metrics and Reflective Engagement to Transform Engineering Classrooms Towards Racial Equity
CAREER:Understanding Coastal Resilience: Implications of an Expanding White Zone in the Florida Everglades
CAS-MNP: Real time analysis of impact of nanoplastics on marine species using AI integrated microfluidics
CC* Compute: RAPTOR - Reconfigurable Advanced Platform for Transdisciplinary Open Research
CC* Integration-Large: Q-Factor: A Framework to Enable Ultra High-Speed Data Transfer Optimization based on Real-Time Network State Information provided by Programmable Data Planes
CC* Integration-Large: SCI-DRON: Scientific Distributed Data Repositories Over NDN
CC* Storage: EnviStor: A Repository for Supporting Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research on South Florida's Built and Natural Environments
CC-NIE Network Infrastructure: FlowSurge: Supporting Science Data Flows towards discovery, innovation and education
CC-NIE Networking Infrastructure: FlowWave: Enabling High Bandwidth
Science Data Flows
CCF: Small: Local Computation Algorithms - New Directions and Techniques
CCLI: Novel Course Material Development for Embedded Systems Education in Undergraduate
CELL MET Goal 1 Mibrobundle
CELL MET Summer REU/RET Cohort
CELL MET: EWD (Dickerson Subproject)
CELL-MET SEED: Innovative Asymmetrical Probes and Meso-Indentation Setup for Ultrasoft Tissues: Unveiling Biomechanics and Viscoelasticity
CGS Doctoral Initiative on Minority Completion and Attrition (DIMAC)
CHS: Small: Advanced Design Principles for Computer Simulated Agents
CHS: Small: Emotion-Aware Internet-of-Things Based on Analysis of Speech and Physiological Data
CI-P: Toward Unified Tool Support for Linguistic Corpus Annotation
CICI: RSSD: LaSIC: Labeled Security Information Capture
CIF: Small: Coding Techniques for Distributed Machine Learning
CNS:CSR:Small: Leakage-Aware Temp. Constrained Real Time
COHH Toxic Algae Project
COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Stakeholder Interdependencies in Post-Disaster Relocation Under High Uncertainty
COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: URoL : Epigenetics 2: Predicting phenotypic and eco-evolutionary consequences of environmental-energetic-epigenetic linkages
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Towards Secure Networked Cyber-Physical Systems: A Game-Theoretic Framework with Bounded Rationality
CPS: Synergy: Sensor Network-based Lower-Limb Prosthetic Optimization and Control
CRC: Chemistry of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons in Titan's Atmosphere
CREST Phase II: Center for Aquatic Chemistry and Environment (CREST-CAChE)
CREST-I/UCRC-Industry Ecosystem to Pipeline Research
CREST-PRP: Promoting Coastal Biodiversity with AI- driven Modular Seawall Design and Construction
CREST-PRP: Exploring the Impact of Heat-Waves and Nutrients on Bloom-Forming and Habitat-Building Seaweeds Along the South Florida Coast
CREST/SBIR Phase IIa: Guidewire
CREST/SBIR Phase IIa: Multimodal Semantic Video Retrieval and Summarization
CREST/SBIR Phase IIa: Particle Filtering Technology for Wearable Medical Sensors
CREST/SBIR Phase IIa: Text to Speech Interface for Accessing Two Dimensional Mathematics
CREST/SBIR Phase IIa: Web Enabled System to Assess, Mentor and Accelerate Startup Businesses
CREST: Center for Aquatic Chemistry and the Environment CACE
CREST: Center for Emerging Technologies for Advanced Information Processing and High-Confidence Systems.
CREST: Center for Innovative Information Systems Engineering
CRII: CNS: RUI: Exploiting Robust Deep Learning Framework for Wireless Localization Systems in Adversarial IoT Environments
CRII: CPS: Noninvasive Security Analysis for Smart Grid Energy Management System
CRII: III: Rethinking Fairness: Fairness as a Survival Analysis
CRII: SCH: Characterizing, Modeling and Evaluating Brain Dynamics
CRII: SCH: Compact and Affordable, Non-intrusive mmWave and IoT enabled skin monitors - A Synergy for Chronic Skin Wound
CRII: SHF: HPC Solutions to Big NGS Data Compression
CRII: SaTC: Rowhammer Attack on Fresh and Recycled Memory Chips: Security Risks and Defenses
CRII:NeTS:Characterizing, Quantifying and Modeling Network Complexity
CRISP Type 2: Collaborative Research: Organizing Decentralized Resilience in Critical Interdependent-infrastructure Systems and Processes (ORDER-CRISP)
CRISP Type 2: Collaborative Research: Towards Resilient Smart Cities
CSR: Small: Resource Management for 3D Communication Systems
CSR: Medium: Collaborative Research: NVM-enabled Host-side Caches
CSR: Small: A Scalable and Efficient Framework for Switch Virtualization
CSR: Small: Collaborative Research: Making Virtualized Data Center Less "Thirsty" via Online Thermal-Aware Resource Management and Pricing-based Incentives
CSR: Small: Collaborative Research: Sensorprint: Hardware-Enforced Information Authentication for Mobile Systems
CSR: Small: Collaborative: Application-Aware Virtualization Techniques for Real-Time Embedded Computing on Defect-Tolerant Manycore Systems
CSR: Small: Energy Proportional Storage
CSR: Small: Improving Data Center Water Efficiency via Online Resource Management"
CSR: Small: Learning and Management in Tiered Memory Systems
CSR: Small: Non-blocking Writes
CT-ISG: New Foundations for Quantitative Information Flow.
Campus Cyber Infrastructure- CC*DNI
Carbon nanotube based nanofluidic device for biological sensing
Caribbean Coastal Scenarios.
Cascading interactions of herbivore loss and nutrient enrichment on coral reef macroalgae, corals, and microbial dynamics
Causes and implications of dry season control of tropical wet forest tree growth at very high water levels: direct vs indirect limitations
Center for Advanced Research in Forensic Science (CARFS), Phase I IUCRC Site at FIU
Center for Health Organization Transformation (CHOT)
Center for High Energy Physics Research and Education Outreach
Center for Innovative Brain-Machine Interfaces - Noninvasive Testbed.
Characterization, Dynamics, and Biological Impact of Indoor Airborne Dust Exposure
Children's Recantation of Adult Wrongdoing: In the Field and In the Lab
CoPe: Workshop for identifying interoperability and the data needs of the interdisciplinary models for understanding vulnerability of coastal systems to stresses and shocks associated with climate change and sea level rise
Coastal Ecosystems Research Experience for Teachers (CE-RET)--From the Everglades to the Coral Reefs
Collaborative Research: SuRPASS: NSF SFS Unique Scholarship Program in Hardware and Systems Security
Collaborative Conference: Research on Engineering Practice: Catalyzing a Scholarly Community
Collaborative Development and Application of Distributab
Collaborative HSI Conference: Co-designing an engineering education research agenda
Collaborative Project: Engaged Student Learning - Design and Development Level II: Impact of Learning and Engagement Strategies for Software Courses using a Cyberlearning Environment
Collaborative Proposal: Collaborative Research: A qualitative inquiry into sex/gender narratives in undergraduate biology and their impacts on transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students.
Collaborative Proposal: DRU: Incorporating Household Decision Making and Dynamic Transportation Modeling in Hurricane Evacuation: An Integrated Social Science-Engineering Approach.
Collaborative Proposal: Mind the Gap: Solving achievement gaps in undergraduate STEM courses
Collaborative Proposal: Quantifying the footprint of a dominant organism: Biogeochemical impacts of leaf cutter ants in a lowland tropical forest ecosystem
Collaborative Resarch: FuSe: Thermal Co-Design for Heterogeneous Integration of Low Loss Electromagnetic and RF Systems (The CHILLERS)
Collaborative Researach:SaTC:EDU:Hardware Security Education for All Through Seamless Extension of Existing Curricula
Collaborative Research WSC Category 2:: Building robust decision-making for South Florida water resources through ecosystem service valuation, hydro-economic optimization and conflict resolution modeling
Collaborative Research: CUE-T: Broadening Participation in Computing via Active Learning Strategies in Multi-Institution Online Synchronous Learning Environments
Collaborative Research: Investigation of Spectrum Sharing Between Radar and Wireless Communications Systems
Collaborative Research: Local Context and Latino Growth: A Multilevel Investigation of Punitive Attitudes
Collaborative Research: Nonlinear dynamics and spectral analysis in dispersive PDE
Collaborative Research: "Taking the long view: Investigating the role of biology interest and far-sighted career goals on students' persistence in the STEM career pipeline."
Collaborative Research: A New Theory of 3D Particle Characterization
Collaborative Research: Beyond Active Learning: Learning Assistant (LA) Supported Pedagogies in Large Lecture Science Courses
Collaborative Research: Building Capacity for Cross-site Research on Promoting Equitable and Culturally Responsive Teaching Practice through Video Analysis
Collaborative Research: CCF Core: Small: Optimization of Memory Architectures: A Foundation Approach
Collaborative Research: CCSS: Towards Energy-Efficient Millimeter Wave Wireless Networks: A Unified Systems and Circuits Framework
Collaborative Research: CIF: Small: A New Paradigm for Distributed Information Processing, Simulation and Inference in Networks: The Promise of Law of Small Numbers
Collaborative Research: CNS Core: Medium: Data Augmentation and Adaptive Learning for Next Generation Wireless Spectrum Systems
Collaborative Research: CNS Core: Medium: Generalized Caching-as-a-Service
Collaborative Research: COMPACT SUB-1 Kelvin Resolution Video Rate 94
GHz Passive Imaging Camera Using Optical UP-Conversion
Collaborative Research: Center for Advanced Knowledge Enablement
Collaborative Research: Cold-season gas exchange of arctic plans - resolving winter carbon and water balances of Alaskan arctic tundra.
Collaborative Research: Constraining the role of chemical transformations on the cycling of mercury at the Arctic Ocean air-sea interface
Collaborative Research: Controls on the Delivery and Fate of Water, Nitrogen, and Calcium in a Spring-Fed Karst River.
Collaborative Research: Convergent evolution and diversification of the crab body plan over 200 million years
Collaborative Research: Cortical Spreading Depression and Ionic Electrodiffusion in the Brain
Collaborative Research: Creating assessments for student understanding of core chemistry ideas in introductory biology
Collaborative Research: Cyber-Constructor: Enhancing spatial and temporal cognitive ability in construction education through augmented reality
Collaborative Research: Cyclodextrin-Based 2D Materials for the Treatment of Legacy and Emerging Perfluoroalkyl Substances
Collaborative Research: Data Correlation and Fusion for Medical Monitoring
Collaborative Research: Defining the atmospheric deposition of trace elements into the Arctic ocean-ice ecosystem during the year-long MOSAiC ice drift
Collaborative Research: Degradation Mechanisms of Cyanotoxins Using Novel Visible Light-Activated Titania (TiO2) Photocatalysts
Collaborative Research: Design and Development of a K-12 STEM Observation Protocol
Collaborative Research: Design of High Entropy Alloy Electrocatalysts for Mineralization of Total Organic Carbon in Municipal Wastewater
Collaborative Research: Detection and mechanics of sinkhole activity in Central Florida
Collaborative Research: Developing Engineering Instructional Faculty as Leaders of Educational Change at Hispanic-Serving Institutions
Collaborative Research: Developing Items to Assess the Use of Scientific Practices in a Chemistry Laboratory Setting
Collaborative Research: Distributed Electro-mechanical Transmitters for Adaptive and Power-Efficient ELF Wireless Communications
Collaborative Research: Do defenses against herbivores and pathogens drive the commonness and rarity of tropical trees at local and regional scales?
Collaborative Research: Do mangroves provide better coastal protection than salt marshes? A Hurricane Harvey case study from Port Aransas, Texas, USA
Collaborative Research: Does Anti-predator Behavior Modify Indirect Effects of Top Predators
Collaborative Research: Downburst Fragility Characterization of Transmission Line Systems Using Novel Experimental and Validated Stochastic Numerical Simulations
Collaborative Research: Dynamics of ecosystem carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from the Florida Everglades: Effects of Hydrology and Vegetation on the Net Radiative Forcing
Collaborative Research: EAGER: AI-Assisted Just-in-Time Scaffolding Framework for Exploring Modern Computer Design
Collaborative Research: EAGER: Effect of Eddy Forcing Induced by Eyewall and Rainband Convection on Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification
Collaborative Research: EAGER: Foundations of Secure Multi-Robot Computation
Collaborative Research: EAGER: SaTC AI-Cybersecurity: Just-in-Time AI-Driven Cyber-Abuse Education in Social Networks
Collaborative Research: EAGER: SaTC:TTP: Understanding User Needs for Smart Access Control Systems
Collaborative Research: EAGER: Tailored sorbents for the removal of emerging per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances from water.
Collaborative Research: Ecological Homogenization of Urban America
Collaborative Research: Engineering Identity, its Predictors, and its Impact on Retention across Educational Stages
Collaborative Research: Evaluating the Impact of the Promoting Active Learning and Mentoring (PALM) Network on Vision
Collaborative Research: Evolutionary reversals in hormonal modulation of growth-regulatory gene networks
Collaborative Research: Expanding the Use of Online Remote Electron Microscopy in the Classroom to Transform Undergraduate Geoscience Education
Collaborative Research: Extending the Coherent Gateway to STEM Teaching and Learning
Collaborative Research: FMitF: Track I: Synthesis and Verification of In-Memory Computing Systems using Formal Methods
Collaborative Research: Florida IT Graduation Attainment Pathways (Flit-GAP)
Collaborative Research: Florida-IT-Pathways to Success (Flit-Path)
Collaborative Research: Foster Complex Systems Thinking in Construction Engineering Education Using a Case-Based Multidimensional Virtual Environment (CMVE)
Collaborative Research: From Fine-Scale Mixing to the Mesoscale: Assessing the Climatic Impact of Trade-Wind Cumulus with RICO Data and Modeling.
Collaborative Research: Fundamental Studies of the Adsorption and Photochemical Transformations of Arsenic and Selenium Species by Natural Organic Matter-Coated Magnetic Nano-sized
Collaborative Research: Geochemistry of IODP Site 1438 and West Philippine Basin Volcanic Rocks: Constraints on Subduction Initiation and the Early Development of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc
Collaborative Research: Geometric Analysis, Monopoles, and Applications to Low-Dimensional Manifolds
Collaborative Research: Hazard Events, Risk Perception, and Public Support for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas: a 17-Country Study
Collaborative Research: High-Throughput Nanomanufacturing of 10 NM Feature Patterns Using Ultra-Sharp Probe Arrays
Collaborative Research: High-Throughput Nanomanufacturing of 10 NM Feature Patterns Using Ultra-Sharp Probe Arrays
Collaborative Research: Human-Induced Phenotypic variation in an Endemic Livebearing Fish
Collaborative Research: Hybrid Experimental-Numerical Methodology and Field Calibration for Characterization of Peak Wind Effects on Low-Rise Buildings and Their Appurtenance
Collaborative Research: Hydrothermal vents and shrimp visual ecology
Collaborative Research: II-NEW: Ensayo - A Virtual Emergency Operations Center (vEOC)
Collaborative Research: Ideas Lab: Smarter Microbial Observatories for Realtime Experiments (SMORES)
Collaborative Research: Implementation: Medium: Secure, Resilient Cyber-Physical Energy System Workforce Pathways via Data-Centric, Hardware-in-the-Loop Training
Collaborative Research: Instantons, monopoles, and relations among their invariants
Collaborative Research: Intersectionality of Non-Normative Identities in the Cultures of Engineering (InIce)
Collaborative Research: Linking Host Life History, Movement Ecology, and Climate to Predict Epizootics in Megadiverse Tropical Amphibian Communities
Collaborative Research: Management and Implementation of the U.S. Arctic GEOTRACES Study
Collaborative Research: Matrix Model for Machine Learning.
Collaborative Research: Mobilizing Teachers to Increase Capacity and Broaden Women's Participation in Physics
Collaborative Research: NSF INCLUDES: An Integrated Approach to Retain Underrepresented Minority Students in STEM Disciplines.
Collaborative Research: Network Cluster: Geomicrobiology and Biogeochemistry in the Critical Zone
Collaborative Research: New medium for DNA separation of microbial communities
Collaborative Research: Nile Basin Hydrology and Ecology Under Extreme Climatic Conditions.
Collaborative Research: Non-negative Matrix Factorizations for Data Mining
Collaborative Research: OAC core: CNS core: Small: New Techniques for I/O Behavior Modeling and Persistent Storage Device Configuration
Collaborative Research: Passive RFID Real-Time Temperature-Sensing Based on Programmable Liquid Crystal Elastomers
Collaborative Research: Pathways of Blacks & Hispanics in Engineering Education
Collaborative Research: Pb-210 and Po-210 as tracers of scavenging and export: GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect
Collaborative Research: Phylogeny on the Half-Shell -- Assembling the Bivalve Tree of Life
Collaborative Research: Progressive Failure Studies of Residential Houses towards Performance Based Hurricane Engineering
Collaborative Research: Quantifying the atmospheric flux of bio-active trace elements to the southwestern Indian Ocean
Collaborative Research: RAPID: Storm and tropical cyclone effects on the spawning activity, larval dispersal, and ecosystem impacts of an endangered marine predator
Collaborative Research: REVSYS: Worm-Snails Revised (Mollusca: Gastropoda).
Collaborative Research: Retention, Persistence and Effectiveness of STEM Teachers in High Need School Districts - An Investigation of the NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship
Collaborative Research: SCH: AI-driven RFID Sensing for Smart Health Applications
Collaborative Research: SPX: Collaborative Research: Automated Synthesis of Extreme-Scale Computing Systems Using Non-Volatile Memory
Collaborative Research: SWIFT: AI-based Sensing for Improved Resiliency via Spectral Adaptation with Lifelong Learning
Collaborative Research: SWIFT: SMALL: Autonomously Reconfigurable Hardware-Reduced Wideband Transceivers for Efficient Passive-Active Spectrum Coexistence
Collaborative Research: SWIFT: Ultra Wideband Flexible MIMO Radios for Energy Efficient Secure Spectrum Sharing
Collaborative Research: Scale, Consumers and Lotic Ecosystem Rates (SCALER):
Collaborative Research: Scales and drivers of variability in dissolved organic carbon across diverse urban watersheds
Collaborative Research: Science of Search: Data Search, Analytics, and Architectures Center (DSAAC).
Collaborative Research: Star Formation in Subcritical Environments.
Collaborative Research: Strategies for Learning: Augmented Reality and Collaborative Problem-Solving for Building Sciences
Collaborative Research: Study of arctic ecosystem changes in the IPY using the International Tundra Experiment.
Collaborative Research: Supporting Agency Among Early Career Engineering Education Faculty in Diverse Institutional Contexts
Collaborative Research: Sustaining and amplifying the ITEX AON through automation and increased interdisciplinarity of observations
Collaborative Research: The evolution of bioluminescence and light
detection in deep-sea shrimp (Oplophoridae and Sergestidae)
Collaborative Research: Ultra-broadband Highly-Efficient Wireless Charging of "Zero-Power" Implantable and Wearable Wireless Sensors
Collaborative Research: Undergraduate STEM Classroom Instructors¿ Frames When Teaching about Sex and Gender in Biology: Fostering Identity-Affirming STEM at Hispanic Serving Institutions
Collaborative Research: Understanding Tropical Cyclone Energetics and Intensification in Environmental Vertical Wind Shear
Collaborative Research: Understanding range
limits and plant migration in response to climate change in Neotropical montane forests
Collaborative Research: Understanding the effects of increased freshwater inputs and salt water intrusion on the current and future greenhouse carbon balance of Everglade wetlands
Collaborative Research: Using the ITEX-AON network to document and understand terrestrial ecosystem change in the Arctic.
Collaborative Research: Wideband Multi-Beam Antenna Arrays: Low-Complexity Algorithms and Analog CMOS Implementations
Collaborative Research:RIPS Type 2: Vulnerability Assessment and Resilient Design of Interdependent Infrastructures"
Collaborative research: Ecological homogenization of urban America
Collaborative research: Space-based detection of sinkhole activities in central Florida
Communicating Forecast Information to Optimize Evacuation Behavior.
Communicating research to public audiences: Enviro. Driv
Communication and Understanding of Hurricane Sandy Storm Surge Forecast and Warning Information
Community Genomics of Local Adaptation in Medicago Truncatula
Conference "V Workshop on Nonlinear Dispersive Equations"
Conference Grant: Student Travel Awards for 2019 Internaltional Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT) to be held in Miami, FL, March 3-6,2019
Conference Support for Knowledge Transfer in Computational Neuroscience
Conference in Symmetry and Geometric Structures
Conference on Special Metrics In Complex Geometry
Conference: Innovative Practices and Pedagogies in Ethical Data Science
Conference: MsRI-EW: Modular, Open Hardware-Software Prototyping Platform for the mmWave and Sub-THz Wireless Research Community
Confinement and conformality in theories with massless fermions using finite volume analysis
Conformational Dynamics Associated with Ca2+ Binding to DREAM Protein
Copper-Based Water-Oxidation Electrocatalysts; Design, Synthesis and Characterization
Culturally Responsive Engineering Design and Development through Teacher-Undergraduate Engineering Student Partnerships
CyberTech: Cybersecurity support to Broward College
CyberTraining: Implementation: Medium: Advanced Cyber Infrastructure Training in Policy Informatics
DISES: Conservation incentives and the socio-spatial dynamics of water sustainability
DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Assessing the effects of climate change on biotic interactions structuring herbivore communities
DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Evolution and domestication genetics of the mango
DISSERTATION RESEARCH: How do saltwater intrusion and drought interact to change the soil carbon balance of a brackish water coastal marsh?
DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Sea level rise, vegetation regime shifts: implications for soil carbon storage and resilience in Everglades coastal wetlands
DISSERTATION RESEARCH:Phylogenetic, transcriptomic, and epigenetic analyses of vision and chemoreception in cave adapted crustaceans
DMREF/Collaborative Research: Active learning-based material discovery for 3D printed solids with locally-tunable electrical and mechanical properties
Deducing the genomic footprint and functional impact of chickpea
domestication on nitrogen fixation
Deep Teaching Residency: A Faculty Development Program for Design and Implementation of Inclusive Undergraduate STEM Teaching Practices
Destruction of Cyanotoxins using Ferrates
Determining the independence of face dimensions through an extended multidimensional signal detection theory
Developing Expertise and Building Collaborations to Advance Atmospheric Science Education Research (ASER)
Developing New Pathways to Enhance CELL-MET Educational Impact
Development of Effective Approaches to the Large-Scale Aerodynamic Testing of Low-Rise Buildings
Development of LIDAR Data Processing Algorithms and Software for the National Science Foundation Supported Center for Airborne Laser Mapping.
Development of a Biosensing Platform for Vascular Calcification
Development of a Complete Kaon Detection System for Hall C at 12GeV J Lab
Development of a Flat Yard Simulation Optimizer
Development of a Highly Integrated Instrumentation Setup for Affective Sensing Research
Development of multidimensional IMSn-FT-ICR MSn tools for the characterization of complex mixtures
Did the Neogene aridification drive adaptive ecological radiation in an ancient plant lineage?
Dissertation Research: Asymmetric character displacement in evolutionary-novel Anolis lizards.
Distributed Flexible Resource Scheduling in Production Systems.
Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant: The Effects of Marketing Systems on Market Knowledge
Doctoral Dissertation Research: Assessing the Strategic Use of Evidence in a Psychologically Realistic Paradigm: Improving Diagnosticity of Elicited Information in Interrogations
Doctoral Dissertation Research: Constructing Futures The Cultural Politics of Water and Climate
Doctoral Dissertation Research: Does priming honesty elicit truthful disclosures from children regarding adult wrongdoing?
Doctoral Dissertation Research: The Cultural Politics of Community Based Conservation Territories in Nepal's Chitwan National Park Buffer Zone
Doctoral Dissertation Research: The Cultural Politics of Everglades Restoration -- Remaking Identity, Landscape and Belonging in the Florida Everglades
Doctoral Dissertation Research: The Legacies of Vagrancy Law in Contemporary Homelessness Regulation: A Comparative Historical Examination of the Cases of Tokyo, Japan and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Documenting Experiences and Resources Supporting the Community College Transfer, Persistence, and Graduation of Black Engineering Students
Dynamic Management of Water Storage in Watersheds for Reducing the Magnitude of Floods
Dynamics of Violent Geysers in Stormsewer Systems and Novel Retrofitting Methods
EAGER Collaborative Research: Fundamentals of Tunneling, Heterojunction-based 2D-Hot Electron Transistors
EAGER: Use of ecogenomics and metabolomics to investigate the evolution of pathogenicity
EAGER: Collaborative Research: Cross-Domain Knowledge Transformation Via Matrix Decompositions
EAGER: Collaborative: Quantifying Information Leakage in Searchable Encryption
EAGER: Computational Teichmuller Space Theory
EAGER: Constructal Theory for Evolutionary Design of Twisted Paths in Heat Transfer Network
EAGER: Demystifying the Engineering and Computer Science Underrepresentation Problem: Understanding the pathways to and through these Disciplines for Black and Hispanic Women
EAGER: Digital Interventions for Reducing Social Networking Risks in Adolescents
EAGER: Invisible Shield: Can Compression Harden Deep Neural Networks Universally Against Adversarial Attacks?
EAGER: MonkeyRocket: Validation of Fraud Detection Research
EAGER: Networking Faculty Seeds for Collective Change in the Geosciences
EAGER: Plasmonic mode coupling in metal-insulator-metal structures
EAGER: SAI: Exploring Pathways of Adaptive Infrastructure Management with Rapidly Intensifying Hurricanes
EAGER: SSDIM: Simulated and Synthetic Data for Interdependent Communications and Energy Critical Infrastructures
EAGER: SaTC-EDU: Designing and Evaluating Curriculum Modules for Inclusive Integration of AI into Cybersecurity
EAGER: SwitchOn - Exploring and Strengthening US-Brazil Collaborations in Future Internet Research
EAGER:Broadening the Pathway: A case study analysis of the implications of math and science on computer science graduate's employability
EAGER:SARE:Multiferroic Shields for Smart Analog Security
EARS: Collaborative Research: Pervasive Spectrum Sharing for Public Safety Communications
EDGE: Functional-Genomics Tools for Cnidarian-Dinoflagellate Symbiosis
EFRI-ODISSEI: Novel Perpetual Reconfigurable & Multi-Band "Origami Folding/Unfolding" Electromagnetic Systems for Cognitive Intelligence Applications
ERC CELL-MET Goal 3: Integrated Engineering Testbeds: Quantitative metrics and benchmarking
ERC CELL-MET Goal 5: University Education
ERC CELL-MET Goal 6: Pre-College Outreach
ERC CELL-MET Goal 7: Diversity and Culture of Inclusion
Ecological and Evolutionary Forces Reshaping Mutualism During Species Introductions
Economic Manufacturing of Nano-sized High Temperature and Ultrahigh
Temperature Ceramic Solid Solution Powders
Ecosystem Responses to Hurricanes Synthesis Workshop
Effects of viruses on coral fitness
Efficient high order methods for two multi-scale problems
Engineering Analysis of Imprecise Models
Engineering Fellows Postdoctoral Fellowship Program - ASEE
Engineering for US All - E4USA: A National Pilot High School Engineering Course and Database
Engineering for US All - E4USA: A National Pilot High School Engineering Course and Database
Enhancing Pathways to a STEM Teaching Profession for Students from Minoritized Racial/Ethnic Groups
Enhancing Undergraduate Success in Physics at FIU
Environmental and Natural Resources Technology Center (EARTh)
Evolution of the Philippine Sea Plate: Geochemical and Geochronological Studies of the Pre-Oligecene Igneous Rocks
Examining the Rainfall Distribution and Asymmetries during the Landfalling Process of Tropical Cyclones
Exploring the Neural Mechanisms of Physics Learning
Exploring the Success of HBCUs Development of Blacks Earning Engineering and Computing Graduate Degrees
Exploring the adaptation and acclimatization of tropical reef corals to global climate change
FCE LTER II: Coastal oligotrophic ecosystems research
FIU I-Corps Teams Funding
FIU Support to RCNET's Renewal Proposal for a National Advanced Technical Education Center
FIU-2D Crystal Consortium Partnership for Research and Education in Materials
FIU-JILA Partnership for Research and Education in AMO Physics
FIUteach Noyce Scholarship Program
FMRG: Sustainable Route to 3D Solid-State Sodium-ion Battery by Direct Ink Writing and Capillary Rise Infiltration
Fabric Adaptive Programmable Network Research Infrastructure for Computer science (FABRIC)
Factors Influencing College Success in Information Technology (FICSIT)
Filled carbon nanotubes for the development of high-performance lithium-ion batteries
Finite volume analysis of relativistic field theories using lattice regularization
Florida George Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Parti
Florida Georgia Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (FGLSAMP).
Florida Georgia Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (Legislature) - FGLSAMP (FY 2004)
Florida Georgia Louis Stokes for Minority Participation (FGLSAMP)
FuSE: Deep Learning and Signal Processing using Silicon Photonics and Digital CMOS Circuits for Ultra-Wideband Spectrum Perception
GENI Engineering Conference 25
GEO Opportunities for Leadership in Diversity (GOLD): Hearts of GOLD
GEOTRACES Arctic Section: Determining the pathways, fate, and flux of atmospherically derived trace elements to the ocean/ice system of the Arctic utilizing the 7Be tracer.
GEOTRACES GP-17 Transect: Measurement of 7Be as a Tracer of Upper Ocean Processes
GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect: Measurement of 7Be as a Tracer of Upper Ocean Processes
GEOTRACES Peru-Tahiti section: Measurement of 7Be as a Tracer of Upper Ocean Processes
GOALI: Integrated Microwave Microneedle-Electrode System for Fine Scale Material and Device Characterization
GOALI: Three-dimensional Magnetic Recording At Areal Densities Above 1 Terabit-per-square-inch
Gauge theory, gluing theorems, and their applications
Gene Functional Prediction from Protein-Protein Interaction Data
Generation of Basaltic and Adesitic Magma in the Central Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile
Genomics Workshop.
Geomaterials Genome Project Conference
Get Educators in Mathematics and Science (GEMS).
Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Growing Community Roots for the Geosciences in Miami, FL
HDR Institute: Geospatial Understanding through an Integrative Discovery Environment
HECURA: Collaborative Research: QoS-driven Storage Management for High-end Computing Systems
HSI Implementation and Evaluation Project: JEDI Ambassadors: Empowering Undergraduate Engineers towards Inclusive Institutional Change Through Research and Organizing
HSI Implementation and Evaluation Project: Promoting inclusive teaching through the scholarship of teaching and learning: a faculty learning community model
HSI Institutional Transformation Project Voces (Voices for Organizing Change in Educational Systems)
HSI-CCC: UNIDOS HSI Program Network Resource Center for Community Coordination
Hardware-Software Integration for the Design of Real-Time Prototypes Merging Assistive Technologies to Neuroscience.
Hawaii Aerosol Time-Series (HATS): Quantifying Marine Dust Deposition and Composition in an Oligotrophic Gyre
Here we go again: The fate of Diadema antillarum and Caribbean reefs in the 21st century
Holistic investigation using interdisciplinary approach
Host Bivalve AToL meeting in Miami
Hurricane Wind Simulation and Testing to Develop Damage Mitigation Techniques.
I-Corps Team Development - Analytical Chemistry for Everyone Using CMV
I-Corps Team: Power SLICE (Single-Layer Integration with Component Embedding) for Emerging Wearable and IoT Electronics
I-Corps Team: SPOT for Wound Care
I-Corps Team: Transdermal alcohol sensor system for monitoring blood alcohol content
I-Corps: #COVID-101 for Controlling Cascades of Social Media Health Risk Communication
I-Corps: A Psychologically-Informed Contact Tracing Tool
I-Corps: A Technology-Facilitated Intervention System for Improving Child Mental Health
I-Corps: Advanced anode material for lithium-ion batteries based on filled carbon nanotubes
I-Corps: Automatic Tuning for Prosthesis Based on Physiological Feedback
I-Corps: Cardiacoustics: AI-based Heart Sound Screening for Early-Stage Heart Disease
I-Corps: Commercial Software Testing Cyberlearning Environment (WReSTT-Com)
I-Corps: Cortisense: Handheld point of care cortisol sensor for measurement of stress
I-Corps: E-Diagnostics
I-Corps: Innovative Hurricane Damage Mitigation Systems
I-Corps: Large Microfluidic Bioreactor for Bio-molecule Manufacturing
I-Corps: Mechanically Conditioned 3-Dimensional Cell Culture System
I-Corps: Mobile, Smart Gait Assessment System
I-Corps: Nanoparticle-based smell test device for COVID-19 screening
I-Corps: NextG Wireless Communications
I-Corps: Plasma Deposition of Metal and Metal-oxide Materials on Flexible Substrates
I-Corps: Portable Preterm Imaging System
I-Corps: Safety Frontier for Labor-Intensive Repetitive Tasks
I-Corps: Smart Healthcare System Threat Analyzer
I-Corps: Smart Textile Charging Platform for Wearable and Portable Devices
I-Corps: Stress Quantification Using Extended-Gate Sensing Technology (StressQUEST)
I-Corps: Structural Integrity and Resilience Index (SIRI) for Adaptation to Climate Change and Extreme Events
I-Corps: Sub-orbital Ballooning System (SBS) for Earth and Space Observations, Meteorological Applications, and Scientific Studies
I-Corps: Utilizing Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Early Detection and Identification of Mental Disorders
I-Corps: Venturi Vacuum Device (VVD) for Biological and Particulate Sample Collection
I/UCRC Phase II: Center for Advanced Knowledge Enablement
ICN-WEN: Collaborative Research: ICN-Enabled Secure Edge Networking with Augmented Reality
ICN-WEN: Collaborative Research: ICN-Enabled Secure Edge Networking with Augmented Reality
IERS Track 1: US-Japan Synthesis and Applications of Functional Nanomaterials
III-CXT-Small: Information Discovery on Domain Data Graphs.
III. Large: Collaborative Research: Moving Objects Databases for Exploration
III: Gulf RAPID Multi-Temporal Analysis and Correlation of Gulf Oil Spill Related Geospatial Data on Terrafly Platform
III: Travel Support for US-Based Students to Attend the
INCLUDES Alliance: The Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions
INSPIRE Type 1: Investigating Retention and Persistence with Network Analysis
IODP Expedition 346 Asian Monsoon
IRES Track I: International Research and Professional Development Experience for Students in Ecology and Conservation of Endangered Wildlife of Nosy Be, Madagascar
IRES Track II: A Unique Opportunity for Graduate Training in Tropical Biodiversity Science
IRES: U.S.-Japan Collaborative Research and Education on Carbon based BioMEMS
IRNC Backbone - AmLight Express and Protect (ExP)
IRNC-ProNet: Americas LightPaths: Increasing the Rate of Discovery and Enhancing Education across the Americas
IRNC: Backbone: Americas Africa Research and eduCation Lightpaths (AARCLight)
IRNC: Core Improvement: Americas-Africa Lightpaths Express and Protect (AmLight ExP)
IRNC: Core Improvement: AtlanticWave-SDX: A Distributed Intercontinental Experimental
IRNC: RXP: AtlanticWave-SDX: a distributed intercontinental
experimental SDX
ISS: Collaborative Research: Individual and Collective Behavior of Active Colloids in Microgravity
IUCRC Phase 1 Florida International University: Center for Infrastructure Trustworthiness in Energy Systems (CITES)
IUCRC Phase I Florida International University:Center for
High-Frequency Electronics and Circuits for Communication Systems
IUCRC Phase II+ Florida International University: Center for Advanced Research in Forensic Science (CARFS)
IUSE: Assessing sense of belonging, climate, and culture at the Departmental level from the perspective of undergraduate students
Identifying Marginalization + Allying Tendencies to Transform Engineering Relationships
Identity and Access Management (IAM) Integration
Imaging Algorithms for a Human-to-Computer Interface-Danmary Sanchez
In Situ Study of the Fe-FeS Melt System at high Pressures and Temperatures.
Inclusion: NSF ERC: Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET
Informal Economy
Initiating a Network of Two-Year College Education Researchers: Collaborative Exploration by Practicing Teachers (INTERCEPT) of Mathematics
Integrating hump yard operation with railroad blocking.
Intelligent Immersive Environments for Learning Robotics Operations (IL-PRO)
International Cities as the Economic Unit of Account: Theory and
Inverse Boundary Value Problems with Incomplete Data
Investigation of Geospatial Data Management on MapReduce Platform.
Investigation of Wetland Biogeochemical Similitudes and Scaling for Robust Predictions of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Sequestration
Inviscid Limits, Uniqueness, and Anomalous Dissipation in Hydrodynamics
Island Population Responses to Environmental Stresses
JEDI Audio for Inclusion
Kahler manifolds with prescribed Ricci curvature
Knowledge Mining and Bioinformatics Techniques to Advance Personalized Diagnostics and Therapeutics
LEAPS-MPS: Mechanism of Iron-Catalyzed Olefin Metathesis
LSAMP BD: Florida International University FGLSAMP
LSAMP BD: Florida International University FGLSAMP
LTER 5: Understanding Environmental Change in Northeast Puerto Rico
LTER: LTER5: Understanding Ecosystem Change in Northeastern Puerto Rico
LTER: Coastal Oligotrophic Ecosystem Research
LTER: Drivers of Abrupt Change in the Florida Coastal Everglades
LTER: FCE LTER III - Coastal Oligotrophic Ecosystems Research
LUQ VI - Luquillo LTER
Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST)
Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST)
Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Concentration and Temperature Induced Density Driven Flows.
Lattice Field Theory and Hadronic Physics
Lattice Field Theory and Hadronic Physics.
Lattice Field Theory and Hadronic Physics.
Lattice Gauge Theory and Hadronic Physics
Legacy Database of the Panama Paleontology Project.
Lifelike Expressive Avatars for the Instruction of Young
Looking Ahead: Previous Gaze Durations Predict Next Gaze Durations in Infancy
Low Detection Limit Nutrients in Water
Low Detection Limit Nutrients in Water
Luquillo CZO: the role of hot spots and hot moments in troical landscape evolution
MOU Between Fermi National Lab and FIU.
MRI R2: Acquisition of next gen. IRMS & CRDS for Isotope
MRI-R2: Development of an Instrument for Information Science and Computing in Neuroscience
MRI: Acquisition of Instrumentation to Create a Transformative Large- and Full-Scale Wind Testing Capability in Support of Sustainable Windstorm-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Communities
MRI: Acquisition of Nanoimprinting System for Research and Education.
MRI: Acquisition of a Scanning Electron Microscope for Geoscience, Forensic Chemistry and Science Education Research
MRI: Acquisition of a Testbed for Optical/Wireless Integration.
MRI: Acquisition of a Three Component Particle Image Velocimetry System for Large Field of View and Time Resolved Measurements of High Reynolds Number Fluid-Structure Interaction
MRI: Acquisition of an 18GHz to 110GHz Millimeter-Wave Anechoic Chamber
MRI: Development of An Integrated Geospatial Analytics Instrument
MRI: Development of a High-Performance Database Appliance for Geospatial Applications
MRI: Development of a Terahertz Measurement Facility for Wireless Communications, Electronics and Materials
MRI: Development of an Instrument for Acquisition, Management, and Analysis of Super-resolution Aerial Imagery
MRI: Development of an Instrument for a Comprehensive Study of
Alzheimer's Disease: Multimodal Imaging, Visualization, Machine
Learning and Therapeutic Brain Stimulation
MRI: Development of an Integrated Neuroimaging Instrument with Temporal and Spatial Alignments for Brain Research
MRI: Development of an instrument for student and faculty research on Multimodal Environmental Observations
Magnetoelectric Nanodevices for Wireless Repair of Neural Circuits in the Brain
Manipulating Photon-Atom Interactions with Atomic Coherence and Interference
Many-Body Dipole-Dipole Interactions in Atomic Ensembles
Mathematical Analysis of Certain Geophysical and Fluid Dynamics Models
Mechanisms for Hurricane Motion and Intensity Change
Mechanisms of signal reliability and assessment
Mid-scale RI-1 (M1:DP): National Full-Scale Testing Infrastructure for Community Hardening in Extreme Wind, Surge, and Wave Events (NICHE)
Mobilizing Physics Teachers to Promote Inclusive and Communal Classroom Cultures through Everyday Actions
Model to Full-Scale Validation of Peak Pressure Mechanisms in Buildings that Cause Cladding Failures and Windstorm Damage
Modeling of Complex Flow Systems in Microscales
Molecular mechanisms of aerobic degradation of environmental organoarsenical herbicides and growth promoters by a bacterial community
Momentary Assessment of Research Learning Environments
MsRI-EW: Conference to Identify Critical Needs for a Full-Scale 200 mph Wind and Wind-Water Testing Facility
Multi-Dimensional Hurricane Fragility Models for Risk Assessment and Mitigation of Transmission Line Systems Using Experimentally Validated High-Fidelity Stochastic Numerical Models
Multi-Scale Computational Evaluation of Wind Loads on Buildings.
Multi-University Research and Training in Protection of Critical Information Infrastructure
NCS-FO: Collaborative Research: Wireless and Fully-Passive Multi-Channel Neural Recording for Chronic In-Vivo Studies in Animals
NCS-FO: Integrative knowledge modeling in cognitive neuroimaging
NEESR II: System Behavior Factors For Composite and Mixed Structural Systems.
NHERI Experimental Facility 2015-2019
NHERI Experimental Facility Renewal
NIRT: C-MEMS/C-NEMS for Miniature Biofuel Cells.
NRI: FND: Extending Autonomy in Seemingly Sensory-Denied Environments Applied to Underwater Robots
NRT-IGE: Nanomedicine Academy
NSEER-SG : Seismic Performance of Bridge Systems with Conventional and Innovative Materials
NSF Convergence Accelerator Track G: Autonomously Tunable Waveform-Agnostic Universal Radio Adapter for Seamless and Secure Operation of DoD Devices Through Non-Cooperative 5G Networks
NSF ERC: Precise Advanced Technologies and Health Systems for Underserved Populations (PATHS-UP)
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship for Meagan Dunphy-Daly.
NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
NSF INCLUDES DCL: RESET (Re-Enter Stem through Emerging Technology) Conference on Finding Re-Entry Pathways for Women in STEM
NSF Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)
NSF Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)
NSF S-STEM Track 2: Enhancing career pathways of talented financially disadvantaged Biology STEM students through scholarships and inclusive transformative academic experiences
NSF Student Support for the 2023 ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2023)
NST ERC: CELL-MET (Inclusion)
NST ERC: Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale NST ERC: CELL-MET (EWD)
NST ERC: Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET
NST ERC: Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET
NST ERC: Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET
NST ERC: Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET
Nano-electroporation for high-specificity drug uptake using magneto-electric nanoparticles
Nanoengineered, Manufacturable, Ion-Implantation Seeded Silica Nanowires for Sensitive Bioscreening
Nanostructured Electrochemical Materials
Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET
Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET
Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET
Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET
Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET
Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metmaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET
National Science Foundation IPA Award to Dr. Chenzhong LI
National Science Foundation IPA Award to Dr. Shekhar Bhansali
NeTS: JUNO: Towards Energy-Efficient Hyper-Dense Wireless Networks with Trillions of Devices
NeTS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Building an Intelligent, Uncertainty-Resilient Detection and Tracking Sensor Network
NeTS: Small: Towards mmWave-based Vehicular Communications
NeTS:SMALL: Collaborative Research: Multi-Element Illuminication for Mobile Free-Space-Optical Networks
NeTs: Small: Collaborative Research: Towards Millimeter Wave Communications for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Non-Invasive Models of Human Brain-Computer-Interface Control of Robots
Nonlinear Differential Equations and many particle systems
Nonlinear phenomena in stochastic and deterministic dispersive PDE
Novel Meso-indentation System for Ultra-soft Biomaterials (Meso-UsBio)
Novel Method of Determining Atmospheric Deposition of Trace Elements
Novel mm-Wave Reflectarray Antennas for Next Generation Communication Systems
OAC Core: High Performance computing techniques for heterogenous architectures for big data proteomics
Open Science Data Cloud (OSDC) Pire:Training & Workshops in Data Intensive Computing Using the OSDC
Open Science Data Cloud(OSDC)PIRE:Training and Workshops
Open Science Data Cloud(OSDC)PIRE:Training and Workshops
Outcome Programs and Science Career Intentions (OPSCI)
PAID: Partnership for Adaptation, Implementation and Dissemination: Collaborative Research
PARTNER: An AI/ML Collaborative for Southeast Florida Coastal Environmental Data and Modeling Center
PFI-TT: A Low-Cost Cortisol Sensor for Real-Time Stress Monitoring
PFI-TT: A reliable, fast and low-cost field test for hemp
PFI-TT: Injectable Enhanced Stem Cell Exosomes for Restoration of Heart Function
PFI-TT: Non-invasive prediction systems for Epilepsy Seizures using advance machine-learning and EEG data
PFI: Framer-Academic-Industry Partnership for the Development of Sustainable, Energy Efficient, Multifunctional Bioproducts for the Built Environment
PIRE: A Global Living Laboratory for Cyberinfrastructure Application Enablement
PLaNetS: Physics Lambda Network System.
Participation in IODP Expedition 351
Partnership to Advance Throughput Computing (PATh)
Perinatal Origins of Infant Social Responsiveness
Petri Nets Controller for Robotic Grasping
Phase I I/UCRC Florida International University: Center for Wind Hazard and Infrastructure Performance (WHIP)
Photochemical Reactions of Particulate Mercury Species at the Water-Particle Interface in Aquatic Environments
Phylogeography and Conservation Genetics of The Caribbean Zamia Clade: An Integrated Systematic Approach With SSRs and Single Copy Nuclear
Physics of Spin Switching in Sub-10-nm Spin-transfer-torque Magnetic Tunneling Junctions
Piecing Together the Next 15 Years of Computing Education Research
Planning Grant: I/UCRC for Center of Forensic Science Research at FIU
Poly-conjugated oligomers for noninvasive functional protein delivery
Prenatal Maternal Determinants of Neonatal Social Development
Pressure and water influence on alternating active slip systems of single crystal olivine
PrimoGENI - Developing GENI Aggregates for Real Time Large Scale Network Simulation
PrimoGENI Constellation for Distributed At-Scale Hybrid Network Experimentation
PrimoGENI REU Supplement
Probing Molecular Dynamics Near Plasmonic Surfaces by Optical two-dimensional Coherent Spectroscopy
Project Empower: Collaborative curriculum design tailored for student success and inclusive culture in algebra-based physics
Puerto Rico Honey Bee and Preadaptation and Evolution of Invasive Organisms on Islands
Quantifying Fruit Yields of a Major Forest Crop in Amazonia s Last Frontier
Quantum Optics with Coherently Driven Cold Atoms.
Quark Net 2012
Quark Net FY 2011
QuarkNet 2013-2017
QuarkNet at FIU
RAISE: C-Accel Pilot - Track B1 (AI and Future Jobs): Preparing the Future Workforce of Architecture, Engineering, and Construction for Robotic Automation Processes
RAPID Response Measuring Ecological Effects of Oil Spill
RAPID: Public Support for Disaster Risk Reduction Policies in the Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian
RAPID: #COVID-19: Understanding Community Response in the Emergence and Spread of Novel Coronavirus through Health Risk Communications in Socio-Technical Systems
RAPID: A Platform for Mitigating the Impacts of COVID-19 on the Healthcare System
RAPID: A hyper-thermal anomaly in the Florida Reef Tract: An opportunity to explore the mechanisms underpinning patterns of coral bleaching and disease
RAPID: Bioinformatic Search for Epitope-based Molecular Mimicry in the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Using Chameleon
RAPID: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Interaction between genotype and acquired environmental modifications during coral responses to extreme climatic events Irma and Maria
RAPID: Consequences of rapid environmental change on pelagic-to-benthic coupling by sponges on the continental USA¿s only barrier reef ecosystem
RAPID: Ecological responses to large-scale climate disturbance: Could the interaction of overfishing and disturbance initiate phase-shifts in tropical seagrass ecosystems?
RAPID: Formation, Persistence and Mobility of Oil Emulsions after Major Spills at Sea
RAPID: HURRICANE IRMA: How do ecosystem perturbations interact to influence long-term resilience mechanisms?
RAPID: Impact of Changing Death Penalty Unanimity Requirements on Case Decisions
RAPID: Leveraging the ABCD Study to Examine the Effects of Hurricane Irma Exposure: The Disaster and Youth, Neural and Affective Maturation in Context (DYNAMIC) Study
RAPID: MRI: Development of Database Appliance Module for Multi-Temporal Analysis and Correlation of Gulf Oil Spill related Geospatial Data
RAPID: Reducing the Spread of COVID-19 Through Contact Tracing: The Influence of Age and Interview Protocol
RAPID: SaTC COVID-19 and sexual cyberviolence: Impact on general users and vulnerable populations
RAPID: The Impact of COVID-19 on Broadening Participation in Engineering at HBCUs
RAPID: Understanding the Impact of Abrupt Changes to Instructional Methods on Underrepresented Engineering Students
RCN UBE Incubator: Breaking the Binary in Biology: Incorporating modern research into the undergraduate biology curriculum to create a more gender inclusive biology
RCN-SEES: Predictive Modeling Network for Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems (SHBE)
RCN-UBE Incubator- Incorporating a short but intensive botanical experience into formal college courses to alleviate plant blindness among undergraduate STEM students
REM Summer 2022 (Supplement EWD)
RET in Engineering and Computer Science SITE: Research Experience for Teachers on Cyber-Enabled Technologies
RET in Engineering and Computer Science SITE: Research Experience for Teachers on Cyber-Enabled Technologies
RET in Engineering and Computer Site: Nanotechnology Research Experiences for Teachers at FIU
REU SITE: ASSET: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Advanced Secured Sensor Enabling Technologies
REU SITE: ASSET: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Advanced Secured Sensor Enabling Technologies
REU SITE: ASSET: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Advanced Secured Sensor Enabling Technologies
REU SITE: ASSET: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Advanced Secured Sensor Enabling Technologies
REU Site: Applied Mathematics Research Program for Undergraduates at FIU (AMRPU @ FIU)
REU Site: Numerical Computing and Optimization in Multidisciplinary Applications: Methods and Software.
REU Site: Precocious RF Engineers for Communication, Imaging and Sensing (PRECISE)
REU Site: Security of Smart Things
REU Site: Security of Smart Things
REU Site: Security of Smart Things: From Small Devices to Large Infrastructures
REU Site: Sensing, Monitoring, and Detection: From Molecules to Applications
REU Site: Sensing, Monitoring, and Detection: From Molecules to Applications
REU Site: Understanding Coastal Ecosystems: From the Everglades to the Coral Reefs
REU Site: Understanding Coastal Ecosystems: From the Everglades to the Coral Reefs
REU Site: Wearable and Emerging technologies - Facilitating research Opportunities and Creating pathways for Underrepresented Students (WE-FOCUS) at FIU
REU Supplement
RINGS: Bringing Post-Quantum Cryptography to Large-scale NextG Systems
RUI: The role of ecological memory in nearshore seagrass beds affected by multiple stressors
Race, Space, and Botanical Imperialism
Racially and Ethnically Minoritized Youths' Out-of-School-Time Experiences and Their Effects on STEM Attitudes, Identity, and Career Interest
Rapid isolation of high-affinity DNA aptamers for small-molecule targets via nuclease-assisted SELEX
Re-Housing Urban Haiti after the Earthquake: The Role of Social Capital
Recapturing ammonia from wastewater and recycling green ammonia
Regional I-Corps APR 2020
Research Coordination Network for Hurricane Ecosystem Response Synthesis (RCN-HERS)
Research Experience and Mentoring (REM) Program
Research Experience for Teachers on Cyber-enabled Technologies
Research Experiences for Undergraduates: Autonomic Computing Research at FIU.
Research Starter Grant: Scaling of Walking Mechanics in Dogs
Research: Characterizing Postdoctoral Education, Mentorship, Gender, and Race in the Formation of Academic Engineers and Computer Scientists
RoL: Collaborative Proposal: Integrating responses to environmental change across the biological hierarchy: interactions between behavior, plasticity, and genetic change
S-STEM: JAMS @ FIU (Joint Applied Math and Stats scholarships at FIU)
SBIR Phase II: Security Microchip for Mobile Devices
SBIR Phase IIA: 2.5D Extensions to Braille-based User Interfaces
SBIR Phase IIA: Novel Coded High Density Optical Disk Data Storage.
SBIR Phase IIa: Building K-5 mathematical fluency through curriculum-based puzzle games within a collaborative virtual world
SBIR/CREST Phase Iia: Efficient Comparative Effective Research Tools In Real Time Environment
SCC-IRG JST: Multimodal Data Analytics and Integration for Effective COVID-19, Pandemics and Compound Disaster Response and Management
SCC-IRG JST: Multimodal Data Analytics and Integration for Effective COVID-19, Pandemics and Compound Disaster Response and Management
SCC-IRG: Behavior-driven building safety and emergency management for campus communities
SCC-PG: Closed-loop Intervention to Promote a Supportive and Interactive Environment around Children with ADHD
SCC-PG: JST: Multimodal Data Analytics and Integration for Emergency Response and Disaster Management
SG: Species Distribution Modeling on the A.I. Frontier: Deep generative models for powerful, general and accessible SDM
SGER: Collaborative Research: Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Data Mining.
SGER: Node Compromise Models and Defending Considerations in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks.
SHF: Small: Collaborative Research: Retraining-free Concurrent Test and Diagnosis in Emerging Neural Network Accelerators
SHF: Small: Vertically Integrated Persistence
SI2-SSE: A Sustainable Wireless Sensor Software Development Framework for Science and Engineering Researchers
SII Planning: Center for Next Generation Wireless Spectrum Sharing
SII-Center: SpectrumX: Broadband Mapping Using Smartphones (Broadband MAP US) Project
SPX: Collaborative Research: NG4S: A Next-Generation Geo-Distributed Scalable Stateful Stream Processing System
SPX: Collaborative Research: Scalable Neural Network Paradigms to Address Variability in Emerging Device based Platforms for Large Scale Neuromorphic Computing
STTR Phase I: Development of a Three Dimensional Paver
STTR Phase I: Patient-Specific System for epileptic seizure prediction using wearable EEG data
SaTC: CORE: Small: Efficient Plausible Deniability Systems
SaTC: CORE: Small: Study and Containment of Live Influence Operations
SaTC: Core: Small: Search Rank Fraud Management
SaTC:TTP:Small:Collaborative: Privacy-Aware Wearable-Assisted Continous Authentication Framework
Scholarships for a Future Generation of Geoscientists
Science and Technology Center on Real-Time Functional Imaging (STROBE)
Science and Technology Center on Real-Time Functional Imaging (STROBE)
Science in the Classroom
Science in the Classroom: bringing primary literature to a high school audience
Secure Data Platform for Empowering AI-Assisted Digital Pathology
Selective Attention and Intersensory Processing in Infancy
SenSE: AI-Driven, Resilient and Adaptive Monitoring of Sleep (AI-DReAMS)
Simultaneous Wireless Powering and Communication of Wearable Sensors
Smart Bandage for Wound Care Management (Wound Care RX)
Smart Sustainable Fertilizer Manager
South Florida-Secondary Teacher Equity in Mathematics and Science (SF-STEMS)
SpecEES: Collaborative Research: Spatially Oversampled Dense Multi-Beam Millimeter-Wave Communications for Exponentially Increased Energy-Efficiency
SpecEES:Toward Spectral and Energy Efficient Cross-Layer Designs for Millimeter-Wave-Based Massive MIMO Networks.
Stochastic Time, Cost and Environmental Impact Optimization for Construction Processes
Streamlining High-End Computing with Software Persistent Memory
Structural Basis for the Chloroperoxidase-Catalyzed Enantioselective Transformations.
Student Travel Support for ACM HPDC 2015
Study of water solubility in bridgmanite at the lower mantle conditions
Subcontract Amendment Nbr6 to Main Project entitled: LTER COERCE: Coastal Oligotrophic Ecosystems Research, the Coastal Everglades: Controls of Populations and Ecosystem Dynamics in an Oligotrophic Weland Dominated Coastal Environment .
Subcontract for Institution Nbr 2495 (Amendment Nbr4)
Subcontract for Institution Nbr 3105
Subcontract for Institution Nbr 6628
Subcontract to Main Project Titled: Biocomplexity of Hydorlogically-Controlled Vegetation Dynamics: Quantitive Comparative Analysis-Everglades Cerrado Ecosystems under SOil Moisture Nutrient Spatiotemporal Dynamics .
Subcontract with Virginia Tech - NSF Award Gateways to Algebraic Motivation, Engagement and Success (GAMES)
Subproject for Main Project IDNbr212700501: Request for REU Supplement to the NSF grant IIS-0534530.
Subproject to Main Project OSRANbr 7296 (202200548): Collaborative Research: Web-Based Repository of Software Testing Tools.
Subproject to Main Project OSRANbr 7975 (202200555): Investigation of Geospatial Data Management on MapReduce Platform.
Support for 2016 Workshop on EFRI-ODISSEI Research
Support for the Chair s Office of the US Advisory Committee for Scientific Ocean Drilling.
Supporting the Whole Student: Identifying and Mitigating Barriers to Persistence for Underserved Post-Traditional Engineering Students
Surace Engineered Carbon Electrodes for Biosensor Arrays.
Sustainable Optimization of Circular Economy Practices During Post-Disaster Recovery Phase
Synthesis of Vortex Rossby Wave Dynamics
TC: Small: Theory & Applications of Min-Entropy Leakage
TIE UF-FIU inter I/UCRC Collaboration
TWC TTP: Small: Collaborative: Privacy-Preserving Data Collection and Access for IEEE 802.11s-Based Smart Grid Applications
TWC: Small: Collaborative: Cracking Down Online Deception Ecosystems
Taking Tyrants to Court: Civil Litigation in the Spanish Empire
Target Infusion Project: Development and Implementation of an Intelligent Adaptive Cyberlearning System to Improve Basic Mathematics Skills of Disadvantage Minority Freshman Students
Telephone Survey for Immigrant Transnationalism and Modes of Incorporation.
The ACE Partnership for Adaptation, Implementation and Dissemination: Awareness of, Commitment to, and Empowerment of women scientists at FIU
The AGEP Florida Alliance Model: Improving Pathways in the Professoriate for Academic Minority Women in STEM
The CSEMS program at FIU
The Computing Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institutions
The Development of Student Cohorts for the Enhancement of Mathematical Literacy in Underserved Populations.
The FIU QuarkNet Project.
The Geographies of Street Girls in Bogota, Colombia.
The Impact of Engineering Education Guilds - Understanding Vision and Quantifying Propagation
The Impact of Intoxication in the Interrogation Room
The Mathematics and Biological Sciences scholarships program at FIU.
The Resilient Rural America: Drivers of Speedy and High Quality Recovery Following a Disaster
The South East Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (SEAGEP).
The Tropicalization of Western Atlantic Seagrass Beds
The impact of host diet on transmission of endosymbiotic Wolbachia bacteria
Theoretical studies of medium- and high-energy electron scattering off light nuclei
Thrust 2: NSF ERC: Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET
Thrust 2: NST ERC: Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET
Thrust 4 : NSF ERC: Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET
Tipping the greenhouse C balance: Hurricane Irma's role in increasing methane emissions and the global warming potential in Everglades ecosystems
Toxic Algae.
Track 3: COre National Ecosystem for CyberinfrasTructure (CONECT)
Training workshop on genomic methods and analysis for early-career invertebrate systematists
Transforming Modeling Instruction: Developing Curriculum Materials for faculty Adoption
Triggered slip events following the 2010 and 2021 Haiti earthquakes and their implications to seismic hazard in Hispaniola
Tropical Cyclone Response to Time-Dependent Heating and Theory of Tropical Cyclone Motion
Tuning the frequency response of fractional-order microsupercapacitors
Type 2 Collaborative Project: Integrating Testing into Advanced CS/IT Courses Supported by a Cyberlearning Environment
U.S.-Turkey Planning Visit: Collaborative Research on th
ULTRA Exploratory Awards
UMEB: Envrionmental Biology and Evolution of the Carribean Basin
US China Planning Visit - Establishing Collaborations on Electronics and Optoelectronic Nanomaterial Research.
US China Planning Visit - Establishing Collaborations on Electronics and Optoelectronic Nanomaterial Research.
US Morocco Workshop on Geometric Analysis
US-EU-China Thermophysics Conference - Renewable Energy.
US-Netherlands/Germany Collaborative Research: Development of 13C-Based Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging Techniques for the Zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a Toxicological Model, and Application to Harmful Algal Bloom Toxins
Ultra High Temparature Microwave Materials Processing
UltraLight: An Ultra-Scale Optical Network Laboratory for Next Generation Science.
Uncovering Potential Risks of Wind-induced Cascading Damages to
Construction Projects and Neighboring Community
Uncovering Potential Risks of Wind-induced Cascading Damages to Construction Projects and Neighboring Communities
Understanding the Rules of Life: Epigenetics 2: Collaborative research: Bumble bee cold tolerance across elevations- From epigenotype to phenotype across space, time, and levels of biological organization
Understanding the conditions and content of face learning underlying race perception biases
Understanding the effects of increased freshwater inputs and salt water intrusion on the current and future greenhouse carbon balance of the Everglades
Understanding the implications of gamification on women computer science students' engagement and women-CS fit
University-Industry Graduate Research Assistantships for Developing Analytical Models to Estimate Performance Measures and Optimize Resource Allocation in a Complex Server Manufacturing System.
Unravelling the strong interaction with high-energy nuclear scattering
Urban Water Innovation Network (U-WIN): Transitioning Toward Sustainable Water Systems
Urban resilience to climate change-driven extreme events
Using Molecular Markers to Establish Management Criteria in a Botanical Garden.
Vera Rubin Observatory Operations
Video Resources for Learning Assistant Development
Video-recording Eyewitness Identification Lineups: Testing for Unanticipated Costs and Undiscovered Benefits
Voluntary False Confessions: Taking Responsibility to Protect Someone Else
WDE: NSF ERC: Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET
WHREN: Increasing the Rate of Discovery and Enhancing Education across the Americas
WSC- Category 3: Collaborative Research: Water Sustainability under Near-term Climate Change:
A Cross-Regional Analysis Incorporating Socio-Ecological Feedbacks and Adaptations
Wafer-Integrated Soft Magnetic Composite Films for Inductors with High Power Density and Efficiency
Wetland facility for the University of Houston Coastal Center
Working Across Boundaries through promoting collaboration and interdisciplinarity in future STEM education scholars
Workshop: Enhancing Resilience of Coastal Caribbean Communities