This funding establishes a new Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site at the Florida International University. Undergraduate students from across the nation will participate in summer research focused on the security of smart devices, particularly wearable devices. The research projects will introduce practical innovations and testbeds for maintaining the privacy and security of smart devices such as wearable technologies, sensors, and mobile devices as well as smart infrastructures involving smart buildings, smart grids, and smart lighting and communication infrastructures. The students should acquire skills that will lead to rewarding professional careers in areas that are vital for preserving our national security.The students will learn how to design, implement, and assess research projects in areas that are needed to ensure safety and privacy of all citizens. The site will focus on recruiting under-represented minorities, particularly drawing on the surrounding universities with large Hispanic populations. The students will use of state-of-the art facilities and devices run by faculty members with significant expertise in the security of smart things. The goals of the project include providing a quality research experience for undergraduates, increasing participation of female and under-represented minorities in computing fields, and preparing students to pursue graduate studies in cyber security fields, and building a community of security of smart things researchers. This site is co-funded by the CISE Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) Program.