Florida International University (FIU), in collaboration with Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) are developing the SF-STEMS program to promote equity in preparing quality secondary teachers in mathematics, science, and technology for hard-to-staff urban schools. The target population is students with low socio-economic status and above average academic abilities. Selected students are provided financial and academic support, mentoring during their college years, and a sufficient induction period in the form of internships. These students, upon graduation, return to teach in secondary schools in their community for a period of at least two years. While teaching, these educators maintain their connections to the university to gain new skills through professional development activities and/or pursue advanced degrees in mathematics and science. The key elements of this project are: 1) create opportunities for talented students, 2) provide financial (work-study, scholarships) and academic (tutoring, mentoring) support to enable students to concentrate on their studies, 3) increase the number of mathematics and science teachers, 4) empower underrepresented communities using a, grow-your-own approach, 5) produce a model that can be adapted to other urban settings, and 6) promote learning as a life-long journey by maintaining connections between the K-12 and post-secondary environments. The SF-STEMS strategies are based on 1) the use of rigorous math and science content to prepare pre-service teachers to effectively teach the K-12 curriculum as specified by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), National Science Education Standards (NSES), and the Florida Sunshine State Standards, 2) the use of the Treisman-model that promotes study groups and encourages collaboration between students inside and outside the classroom to work on challenging problems and projects, 3) innovative instructional strategies such as mathematical modeling and inquiry-based science as seen in Modeling Instruction, COMAP, and Pacesetter, 4) the implementation of early career immersion to better prepare pre-service students for the teaching profession, and 5) ensuring a continuous supply of mathematics and science education graduates starting with the graduation in Spring, 2005.