MRI R2: Acquisition of next gen. IRMS & CRDS for Isotope Grant

MRI R2: Acquisition of next gen. IRMS & CRDS for Isotope .


  • "This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5)."The funds for the next generation of mass spectrometers for the SERC Stable Isotope Laboratory (SIL), with a request for one new isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) and two Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy (CRDS) systems. The new next generation Delta V IRMS system will have hydrogen collectors to allow for the measurement of D/H ratios in water, bulk OM, and biomarkers. The new Delta V Plus IRMS will come with an amplifier gain switch with a variable resistor for enriched 15N analyses. One CRDS system, a Picarro iTOC-CRDS Isotopic Carbon Analyzer will allow the lab to measure total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in marine waters including carbon isotopic compositions. The proposed instrumentation will add new capabilities to the facility. Broader ImpactsThe proposed instruments will be heavily involved with the training and research of graduate students. There is also a specific graduate class in stable isotope biogeochemistry which uses the instruments. The SIL has a good record of providing research opportunities for underrepresented individuals in the sciences (both undergraduate and graduate level). The SIL group has also participated in various outreach projects including LTER's and GEOSCOPE. These programs are designed to expose and include student (elementary /high school) in research projects in the South Florida marine system. The SIL group has also provided different government agencies with data used for management purposes.

date/time interval

  • March 1, 2010 - December 31, 2011

sponsor award ID

  • 0959722
