Novel mm-Wave Reflectarray Antennas for Next Generation Communication Systems Grant

Novel mm-Wave Reflectarray Antennas for Next Generation Communication Systems .


  • This project will develop novel dual-polarized, ultra-wideband and beamstearable high-gain reflectarray antennas for next generation wireless communication systems. The vision of this work will be achieved by developing fundamentally new approaches that will potentially transform antenna designs for mm-wave 5G and 6G communication systems. The focus of this research is on the study, design, and development of non-uniform reflectarray antennas at mm-Wave frequencies that have high performance in terms of bandwidth as well as beam steering ability. This research has the potential to impact disruptive technologies, such as, advanced robotics and human-machine interfaces, big-data apps, communication, and sensing enabling applications like tele-presence services, telemedicine, tele-surgery, online immersive education, tele-work, remotely-controlled robotics, environmental sensing, and space exploration. The educational efforts of this work are focused on broadening participation of underrepresented groups in STEM through curriculum development, REU programs and outreach efforts to support critical societal needs. Broad dissemination to enhance scientific and technological understanding will be accomplished by presentations to conferences, K-12 students, and the industrial community.

    This research will focus on the synthesis, electromagnetic modeling, design, fabrication, and characterization of novel reflectarray antennas with significantly improved performance in terms of bandwidth, polarization diversity and beamsteering. Specifically, (a) non-uniform shape wideband reflectarrays offering 50% fractional bandwidth, (b) ultra-wideband reflectarrays with three-dimensional unit-cells offering 100% fractional bandwidth, and (c) wideband reflectarrays with beamsteering capabilities based on magneto-electric dipole unit-cells that are integrated with tightly-coupled dipoles or super-shaped patches will be developed.

    This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

date/time interval

  • August 15, 2021 - July 31, 2024

sponsor award ID

  • 2127762
