
  • Dr. Pete Markowitz joined FIU in 1995 as a professor in the Department of Physics. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2000. In 2001, he became a faculty fellow at the Honors College where he has taught Freshman Seminar and sophomore courses. Dr. Markowitz was promoted to Professor of Physics in 2006.

    As a physicist, Dr. Markowitz conducts nuclear and particle physics experiments at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Virginia and the European Center for Nuclear and Particle Physics (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland. His research interests focus on the source of gravity, extra dimensions, black holes, quark structure of nuclei, dark matter, dark energy and the electro production of quarks and anti-quarks (or matter and anti-matter).

    He is a member of the Office to Advance Women, Equity & Diversity (AWED) run by Associate Vice Provost Suzanna Rose. The office received FIU’s first NSF ADVANCE grant to promote, recruit and retain women and minorities in the sciences. Dr. Markowitz has mentored junior faculty through the office’s faculty mentor program and helped run FIU’s Bystander Leadership training.

    As the Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) to the NCAA at FIU, under the Office of the President, Dr. Markowitz has also provided critical support to student-athletes and facilitated their successful progress toward graduation and beyond, including for many Honors College student-athletes.

research interests

  • Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics
    Electromagnetic Production of Strangeness and few-body form factors

selected scholarly works & creative activities