Quasifree (e,e′p) reactions and proton propagation in nuclei Article

Abbott, D, Ahmidouch, A, Amatuni, TA et al. (1998). Quasifree (e,e′p) reactions and proton propagation in nuclei . PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 80(23), 5072-5076. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.80.5072

Open Access International Collaboration

cited authors

  • Abbott, D; Ahmidouch, A; Amatuni, TA; Armstrong, C; Arrington, J; Assamagan, KA; Bailey, K; Baker, OK; Barrow, S; Beard, K; Beatty, D; Beedoe, S; Beise, E; Belz, E; Bochna, C; Breuer, H; Bruins, EEW; Carlini, R; Cha, J; Chant, N; Cothran, C; Cummings, WJ; Danagoulian, S; Day, D; DeSchepper, D; Ducret, JE; Duncan, F; Dunne, J; Dutta, D; Eden, T; Ent, R; Fortune, HT; Frolov, V; Geesaman, DF; Gao, H; Gilman, R; Gueye, P; Hansen, JO; Hinton, W; Holt, RJ; Jackson, C; Jackson, HE; Jones, CE; Kaufman, S; Kelly, JJ; Keppel, C; Khandaker, M; Kim, W; Kinney, E; Klein, A; Koltenuk, D; Kramer, L; Lorenzon, W; McFarlane, K; Mack, DJ; Madey, R; Markowitz, P; Martin, J; Mateos, A; Meekins, D; Miller, MA; Milner, R; Mitchell, J; Mohring, R; Markowitz, P; Nathan, AM; Niculescu, G; Niculescu, I; O'Neill, TG; Potterveld, D; Price, JW; Reinhold, J; Salgado, C; Schiffer, JP; Segel, RE; Stoler, P; Suleiman, R; Tadevosyan, V; Tang, L; Terburg, B; van Westrum, D; Welch, P; Williamson, C; Wood, S; Yan, C; Yang, JC; Yu, J; Zeidman, B; Zhao, W; Zihlmann, B

publication date

  • June 8, 1998

published in


  • C-12(E,E'P)
  • Physical Sciences
  • Physics
  • Physics, Multidisciplinary
  • Science & Technology

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)



start page

  • 5072

end page

  • 5076


  • 80


  • 23