
  • Joerg Reinhold is a Professor of Physics. His research in experimental nuclear physics focuses on the aspects of quark-gluon degrees of freedom on nuclear structure and interactions. Dr. Reinhold earned a Diplom in Physics at the Technical University Munich (TUM) in 1990, a Ph.D. in Physics at TUM in 1995 and completed postdoctoral studies at Argonne National Laboratory. Argonne is a U.S. Department of Energy multidisciplinary science and engineering research center.

    The first two years at Argonne, he was supported by a Feodor Lynen Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany. At Argonne, he joined the Medium Energy Physics Group, which made key contributions to the experimental program at Jefferson Lab in Virginia. He soon became co-spokesperson for one of the earliest experiments to take place at this brand-new facility.

    When Professor Reinhold joined the faculty of FIU in the end of 1998, he was partially supported by Jefferson Lab’s Bridge Faculty Program. For the first five years of his tenure at FIU, this allowed him to build an active research program that provided opportunities for numerous FIU students and led to over 100 publications and conference proceedings. His research has been continuously funded by the Department of Energy’s Office of Science. Currently, he is a co-spokesperson for two approved experiments at Jefferson Lab, a member of the GlueX Collaboration and several other collaborations.

    At FIU, his efforts at reforming a large enrollment physics class for pre-health science majors has been supported by FIU’s HHMI Faculty Scholar Program through a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He also has been instrumental in developing new course offerings in nuclear sciences, an effort that was partially supported by a grant he received from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. At the 2017 Faculty Convocation, he received a Faculty Award in Excellence in Teaching.

    Dr. Reinhold has served four years as chair of the Faculty Assembly of the College of Arts & Sciences and recently four years as the Vice Chair of FIU’s Faculty Senate and a director on the board of the FIU Foundation. From 2018 to 2022, he served as Chair of the Faculty Senate and a member of the FIU Board of Trustees. Since fall 2023, he is serving as chair of the Department of Physics.

research interests

  • Professor Reinhold conducts research in experimental nuclear and particle physics. Currently, his main activities focus on two projects at Jefferson Lab in Newport News, Virginia: hypernuclear spectroscopy and a search for exotic mesons with the GlueX Experiment.

selected scholarly works & creative activities

full name

  • Joerg Reinhold


publication subject areas