awards grant
2011 Solar Decathlon
A Fast Proton Diagnostic for NSTX
A Nationwide Consortium of Universities to Revitalize Electric Power Engineering Education by State-of-the-Art Laboratories
ARC FY 06 Project 1.0.
Advanced Sensors Technologies for Applications in Electrical Engineering - Research and Innovation eXcellence Consortium (ASTERIX)
Alternating copolymers for simultaneous anion and cation capture for sensing applications
Americium Separation by Electrochemical Oxidation
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Integratable, Composable and Evolvable Cybersecurity in Energy Delivery Systems
Analysis of Energy, Environmental and Life Cycle Cost Re
Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Tools (ArtIT) for Cyber Hardening of Power Grids
Assembly and Testing of the GlueX Start Counter
Bench-top X-ray Abs. Spec., and a broadband high-sensitivity probe for a 600 MHz NMR Spec.
Center for Actinide Science and Technology
Coherent Processes on Light Nuclei at the EIC
Consortium for Research and Education in Cyber Manufacturing Applications for Modular Nuclear Reactors (CMA-MNuR)
Consortium for Research and Education in Power and Energy Systems (CREPES) for Sustainable STEM Workforce
Corrosion Analysis Collaboration with Florida International University (FIU)
Decadal Prediction and Predictability of Extremes in Ocean Eddy Resolving Coupled Models
Design Support (ASTERIX MSIPP)
Developing Methods for Trace Detection of Fecal Contamination on Agricultural Products Using Nanodrop Digital PCR
Developing novel high-performance SPAD detectors for HEP - creating a training and research path for minority students
Development and Evaluation of a General Drag Model for CFD Simulation of Gas-Solid Flows via Physics-Informed Deep Machine Learning
Development of A Two-Fluid Drag Law for Clustered Particles Using Direct Numerical Simulation and Validation Through Experiments
Development of Alternative Solvent Extraction Technology for Combined Cesium, Strontium, & Actinide Separation for High-Level Waste
Development of New Low Temperature Cofire Ceramic Technology.
Development of Reduced Order Model for Reacting Gas-Solid Flow using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
Development of SPAD Spectroscopical Sensors for Quantum Astrometry
Development of Separations Methods to Address the Challenge of Organic Mercury in Tank Waste
Development of Separations Methods to Address the Challenge of Organic Mercury in Tank Waste
Development of a Meso Scale Sensor Test bed for Insitu Decommisioning of Nuclear Facilities
Development of an Alternative Solvent Extraction Technology for Combined Cesium and Actinide Separation for High-Level Waste Treatment
Development of an Alternative Solvent Extraction Technology for Combined Cesium, Strontium, and Actinide Separation for High-Level Waste
Development of criteria and identification of particle cluster size based on measurements of void fraction in gas-solid systems.
Development of high-current field emitter arrays for electron lens applications.
EFree - Energy Frontier Research in Extreme Environments
Enabling Native Researchers and Graduate Engineering(ENRGE)
FIU Testing of 2D Sonar performance for imaging surrogate high-level radioactive waste
Ferrite-free circulator for precise measurements of SRF cavities with high Q-factor
Florida International University's Continued Research Support for the Department of Energy's Office of Environmental Management
Florida International University's Continued Research Support for the Department of Energy's Office of Environmental Management
Fundamental Mechanism for Flash Sintering of Highly Conductive High Temperature Ceramics
Graduate student support for William Phelps
HBCU/OMI AOI 2 Development of a Pipe Crawler Inspection Tool for Fossil Energy Power Plants
Hadron Spectroscopy at Jefferson Lab
Hadronic Physics With Electromagnetic Probes
Hadronic Physics with Electromagnetic Probes
Hemispheric Center for Environmental Technology - Year 3 (2002-2003)
High Pressure Geophysics Materials Science.
High Pressure Geophysics and Materials
Highly-Lipophilic Sulfonamide Extractants and Analogs for application in combined Cesium, Strontium, and Actinide Separations in HLW
Identify leading indicators and field deployable sensors for long-term monitoring of contaminated sites
In-Situ Process Monitoring
Influence of Pressure on Physical Property of Ammonia Borane and its Re-hydrogenation
Integrated Approach to Ancillary PV Component Reliability Assessment
Integrated University Program - Scholarship and Fellowship Support
Integration of Sensors and Robotic Platforms for Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Applications
Iron/Technetium Pyrazolate Precursors for Oxide Wasteforms
Jefferson Lab/JSA Sabbatical Support.
MSI Mission-to-Market for Inclusive Economic Development
Mitigation of contaminant release from residual tank waste
Mobilizing the Emerging Diverse AI Talent (MEDAL) through Design and Automated Control of Autonomous Scientific Laboratories
Modulating Actinide Redox Chemistry with Functionalized Metal Oxide Electrodes
Nanocrystalline High Temperature and Ultrahigh Temperature Ceramics for Electrodes for Direct Power Extraction Applications
Next Generation Compact SRF Accelerators for Industrial Applications
Next Generation Nuclear Physics with JLab12 and EIC
Novel Synthesis of Neptunium Irradiation Targets Through Advanced Electrochemical Techniques
Novel additive manufacturing for plasma facing materials - creating a research pathway for minority students
Nuclear Energy University Programs - Fellowships and Scholarship
ORNL: Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment Tropics in Puerto Rico
Operational support for Jefferson Lab Experiments
Optimal Reconfiguration and Resilient Control Framework for Real-Time Photovoltaic Dispatch to Manage Critical Infrastructure (ReDis-PV)
Partnership for Research and Education Consortium in Ceramics and Polymers
Partnership for Research and Education Consortium in Ceramics and Polymers (PRE-CCAP)
Photobiological Hydrogen Research at FIU.
Prediction of Pine Forest Changes in the Florida Keys Due to Sea Level Rise Storm Surge.
QoS-Enabled High-Performance Storage Systems for Data-Intensive Scientific Computing.
Real-Time Continuous Monitoring of Ionomer Degradation with Ion-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor (ISFET) Microsensors
Response of carbon dioxide, water, and energy exchange of peat and marl wetlands in the Florida Everglades to changes in hydroperiod.
Robust Explanations using Diverse Adversarially Trained Ensembles, Multi-Modal Contrastive Learning, and Attribution-based Confidence Metrics
Robust and Remote Radiation Hardened Robotic System for Tunnel Inspection
Scalable Discrete Event Simulation for Performance Prediction
Secure Data Logging and Processing with Blockchain and Machine Learning
Secure Power Grid Infrastructure Simulation.
Simultaneous Waste Heat and Water Recovery from Power Plant Flue Gases for Advanced Energy System
Smart Grid Workforce Training Topic B
Solar Decathalon: Lodging for Students
State of the Art Large Scale Testing for Wind
SubContract for Institution Nbr 2886
Subagreement ID - H010056: Experimental Investigation of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mixing in a Waste Tank; Numerical Modeling of Solids Precipitation During Pipeline Transportation of Slurries
Subagreement ID: H010005 - Experimental Investigation of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mixing in a Waste Tank; Numerical Modeling of Solids Precipitation During Pipeline Transportation Slurries.
Subagreement ID: H010035: Real-time Measurement, Manipulation, and Modeling of Airbone Particulates Generated from Decontamination Activities
Subcontract for Institution Nbr 5211
Synthesis of 3,4,3-LI(1,2-HOPO) by the Prof. Konstantinos Kavallieratos Research Group at Florida International University
Technology Development and Integration for Volume Production of High Purity Rare Earth Metals/MREO from Phosphate Processing
The Fundamental Creep Behavior Model of GR.91 Alloy By Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) Approach
The Hemispheric Center for Environmental Technology
The Novel Hybrid Start-Off Model of High Performance Structural Alloys Design for Fossil Energy Power Plants
Theoretical Studies of High Energy Electron-Nuclear Processes
Theoretical Studies of chemical reactions related to the formation and growth of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and molecular properties of their key intermediates
Total utilization of phosphogypsum waste for production of REEs, fertilizers, and construction materials
Undergraduate Internships in Nuclear Physics at FIU
Untrusted 5G Network Assessment
Using Amide-Functionalized Electrodes to Elucidate Interfacial Actinide Redox Chemistry for Improved HALEU Supply
Wall of Wind Testing of Photovoltaic Systems
Water-carbon Links in a Tropical Forest: How Interbasin Groundwater Flow Effects Carbon Fluxes and Ecosystems Carbon Budgets