Experiments with the High Resolution Kaon Spectrometer at JLab Hall C and the new spectroscopy of 12ΛB hypernuclei
Tang, L, Chen, C, Gogami, T et al. (2014). Experiments with the High Resolution Kaon Spectrometer at JLab Hall C and the new spectroscopy of 12ΛB hypernuclei
. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 90(3), 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.034320
Tang, L, Chen, C, Gogami, T et al. (2014). Experiments with the High Resolution Kaon Spectrometer at JLab Hall C and the new spectroscopy of 12ΛB hypernuclei
. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 90(3), 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.034320