Precision measurement of the neutron spin asymmetries and spin-dependent structure functions in the valence quark region -: art. no. 065207
Zheng, X, Aniol, K, Armstrong, DS et al. (2004). Precision measurement of the neutron spin asymmetries and spin-dependent structure functions in the valence quark region -: art. no. 065207
. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 70(6), 10.1103/PhysRevC.70.065207
Zheng, X, Aniol, K, Armstrong, DS et al. (2004). Precision measurement of the neutron spin asymmetries and spin-dependent structure functions in the valence quark region -: art. no. 065207
. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 70(6), 10.1103/PhysRevC.70.065207