Virtual Compton scattering and neutral pion electroproduction in the resonance region up to the deep inelastic region at backward angles
Laveissiere, G, Degrande, N, Jaminion, S et al. (2009). Virtual Compton scattering and neutral pion electroproduction in the resonance region up to the deep inelastic region at backward angles
. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 79(1), 10.1103/PhysRevC.79.015201
Laveissiere, G, Degrande, N, Jaminion, S et al. (2009). Virtual Compton scattering and neutral pion electroproduction in the resonance region up to the deep inelastic region at backward angles
. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 79(1), 10.1103/PhysRevC.79.015201