Tensor polarization in elastic electron-deuteron scattering to the highest possible momentum transfers Article

Garcon, M, Abbott, D, Ahmidouch, A et al. (1999). Tensor polarization in elastic electron-deuteron scattering to the highest possible momentum transfers . NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 654(1), 493C-496C. 10.1016/S0375-9474(00)88485-7

International Collaboration

cited authors

  • Garcon, M; Abbott, D; Ahmidouch, A; Anklin, H; Arvieux, J; Ball, J; Beedoe, S; Beise, EJ; Bimbot, L; Boeglin, W; Breuer, H; Carlini, R; Chant, NS; Danagoulian, S; Dow, K; Ducret, J-E; Dunne, J; Ewell, L; Eyraud, L; Furget, C; Gilman, R; Glashausser, C; Gueye, P; Gustafsson, K; Hafidi, K; Honegger, A; Jourdan, J; Kox, S; Kumbartzki, G; Lu, L; Lung, A; Mack, D; Markowitz, P; McIntyre, J; Meekins, D; Merchez, F; Mitchell, J; Mohring, R; Mtingwa, S; Mrktchyan, H; Pitz, D; Qin, L; Ransome, R; Real, J-S; Roos, PG; Rutt, P; Schmidt, W; Sawafta, R; Stepanyan, S; Stephenson, EJ; Tieulent, R; Tomasi-Gustafsson, E; Turchinetz, W; Vansyoc, K; Volmer, J; Voutier, E; Vulcan, W; Williamson, C; Wood, SA; Yan, C; Zhao, J; Zhao, W

publication date

  • July 26, 1999

published in


  • Physical Sciences
  • Physics
  • Physics, Nuclear
  • Science & Technology

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)



start page

  • 493C

end page

  • 496C


  • 654


  • 1