
  • Bennett L. Schwartz is a Professor of Psychology at Florida International University. Born in Brooklyn and raised in Long Island ( New York), he earned both his Bachelor’s degree (1988) and Ph.D. (1993) from Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. He then moved to Florida International University in Miami, Florida, where he has been ever since. He does research on metamemory, human memory, and a variety of other interesting topics. He has published close to 100 journal articles, chapters, and books. His textbook, Memory: Foundations and Applications; 4th edition (Sage Publications, 2021) is an accessible textbook on memory science presented in clear and understandable language. His textbook (with John Krantz), Sensation and Perception: 2nd edition (2019) has also been successful. He is past-president of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. He is currently editor of New Ideas in Psychology and Associate Editor of Metacognition and Learning and Acta Psychologica. He teaches course in Memory, Cognitive Psychology, and Sensation and Perception.

research interests

  • Dr. Schwartz's research areas include metacognition, memory, and the neurological bases of consciousness. In particular, ongoing projects include research on the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon and metacognition.

selected scholarly works & creative activities

principal investigator on

full name

  • Bennett Schwartz
