Florida International University
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National Institutes of Health
awards grant
2007-2008 MBRS Support of Continuous Research Excellence at FIU.
APA Minorities in Psychology.
ASCB MAC - Linkage Fellow: Manuel Barbieri, PhD
Analysis of DNA damage in extra-corporally treated blood.
Authentic Bioinformatics in the Classroom (ABC) Project
Biosensors- Effect of design on efficacy of sensors
Carbon isotope exchange mediated by vanadium complexes
Chloroperoxidase Catalytic Mechanisms
Computational Investigations of Monomeric Variants of Red Flourescent Proteins
Control of DNA Topology
Control of DNA Topology
Cytokines dysregulate intracellular calcium and cause beta-cell death in diabetes
Development of Multidimensional, Linear and Differential Ion Mobility MS Separations for Middle-Down Proteoforms
Dynamics and Interactions of Cytochrome P450 19A1
Enhanced Biocompatibility of NiTi (NITINOL) via Surface Treatment and Alloying.
Estrogen-induced Pyk2 signaling in the abnormal growth of vascular cells
FIU - MARC U STAR - Supplement
Florida International University MARC U*STAR Program
Florida International University MARC U*STAR Program
Florida International University MBRS RISE Program (Option III)
Generation of a UV-Dependent Mouse Model of Melanoma.
Identifying Key Genes that cause Aggressive Brain Cancer
Intracellular Receptor Trafficking
MARC Q BIC (Quantifying Biology in the Classroom)
MBRS Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement
MBRS Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement
MBRS Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement - Supplement - ARRA
Mass Spectrometry based molecular imaging of native biological nanodomains
Mechanisms of Arsenical Biotransformations and Transport
Mechanisms of Arsenical Transport.
Mechanisms of arsenic transport and biotransformations
Mechanisms of arsenical transport
Multimodal Machine-Learning and High Performance Computing Strategies for Big MS Proteomics Data
Multiphoton Probes for Biomedical Imaging
Narratives in the Informational Patient Society and their Association with Health
Nucleoside and Carbohydrate-based Enzyme Inhibitors
Preventing excessive gestational weight gain via short mobile messages in WIC
Regulation of P. Aeruginosa PoxB Oxacillinase by AmpR and a Two-Component System
Structural variants and the locus of evolution
Structure, Mechanism and Interactions of Type IA Topoisomerases
The Distribution of Light on the Human Retina
Tissue Specific and Developmental Expression of snRNA Variants in the Silk Moth
Tissue Specific and Developmental Expression of snRNA in the Silk Moth
Transcription-coupled DNA Supercoiling
Transdisciplinary Training in Biomolecular and Biomedical Sciences
Using Visible Light to Modulate Biological Systems.
subcontracts grant
Investigating Career & Research Experience Access Through Evidence (iCREATE)