
  • Dr. Vieira has BSs and MSc degrees in physical therapy, a PhD in rehabilitation science, and post-docs in mixed-methods health research, and in mobility impairments, and falls in older adults. He is the Interim Associate Dean of Research (FIU Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and Health Sciences) and a tenured associate professor (FIU Department of Physical Therapy), the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, and a grant reviewer for NIH, CDC, and NIDILRR among others. His research program in healthy aging aims to help older adults stay functionally independent by optimizing mobility, preventing frailty, falls and related injuries. His projects have been funded by the Florida Department of Health, the Administration for Community Living (ACL-HHS), the Department of Veteran Affairs, and NIH. He has published 160 peer-reviewed papers, which were cited 7879 times, with an h-index of 39, and an i10 of 94.

research interests

  • Risk assessment and prevention of aging-related mobility impairments, fatigue, frailty and falls in older adults from different populations

selected scholarly works & creative activities

co-principal investigator on


full name

  • Edgar Vieira