Hallal, Camilla Zamfolini, Marques, Nise Ribeiro, Vieira, Edgar Ramos
et al. (2013). Lower limb muscle coactivation levels in healthy younger and older adults during functional dual-task gait
MOTRIZ-REVISTA DE EDUCACAO FISICA, 19(3), 620-626. 10.1590/S1980-65742013000300013
Hallal, Camilla Zamfolini, Marques, Nise Ribeiro, Vieira, Edgar Ramos et al. (2013). Lower limb muscle coactivation levels in healthy younger and older adults during functional dual-task gait
. MOTRIZ-REVISTA DE EDUCACAO FISICA, 19(3), 620-626. 10.1590/S1980-65742013000300013