Humanities, Health and Society Academic Department Clinical Department

Humanities, Health, and Society (HHS) is a clinically integrated interprofessional academic department at Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine (HWCOM). We aim to: Graduate clinically skilled physicians who understand and include non-biological factors in the diagnosis and treatment of disease Transform primary care and health care delivery through a household-centered approach to health Improve the health outcomes of local underserved populations. We are committed to addressing the health and socioeconomic needs of households in local communities through the award winning Green Family Foundation Neighborhood Health Education Learning Program (NeighborhoodHELP). The departments core faculty provide services across a spectrum of inpatient, outpatient, and neighborhood settings in South Florida, including FIU Health, local hospitals, mobile health centers, and households. The departments organizational structure promotes teamwork to prepare physicians to practice in the 21st century with five interrelated divisions.


organization within

selected publications

administers grant