
  • Mark Butler is an eminent scholar and the Walter and Rosalie Goldberg Professor of Tropical Ecology and Conservation in the Department of Biological Sciences and the Institute of the Environment. He joined FIU in 2020 after 31 years on the faculty at Old Dominion University, where, among other accolades, he was a recipient of the Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award, the highest honor for faculty at Virginia's public and private colleges and universities.

    For over 30 years, the Florida Keys and Caribbean have served as the home base for his research, on which has published over 150 scientific articles on tropical marine ecology.

research interests

  • Experimental restoration of marine habitats as a means to better understand the ecology of spiny lobster, coral reefs, and sponge communities in the Florida Keys and Caribbean

selected scholarly works & creative activities

principal investigator on

investigator on

full name

  • Mark Butler IV
  • Mark Butler Iv
