awards grant
2011 NPS George M. Wright Climate Change Fellowship: Detecting long-term community shifts in response to sea level rise and Everglades restoration: Can remote sensing, competitive ability, and life stage be used in guiding conservation actions
A Synthesis of Everglades Freshwater Research
A nationwide survey of pharmaceutical exposure in national parks
ASV Sediment profiling in L67 and L29 canals upstream of S-333 and S-333N gated structures in the Everglades
An Inventory Study on the Cigar Orchid (Cyrtopodium punctatum L) in the Big Cypress National Preserve
Analyzing The Impact of The Intermediate Operating Plan(IOP) in The Eastern Everglades, Everglades National Park
Analyzing the Impact of Changing Hydrologic Conditions along the Boundary of Everglades
Analyzing the Impact of Changing Hydrologic Conditions along the Boundary of Everglades National Park
Analyzing the Impact of Changing Hydrologic Conditions along the Boundary of Everglades National Park
Analyzing the Impact of the Intermediate Operating Plan (IOP) in the Eastern Everglades, Everglades National Park.
Assessing Near-Field and Landscape Scale Ecological Effects of the Modified Water Deliveries and Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan Projects in Northeast Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park
Assessing Near-Field and Landscape Scale Ecological Effects of the Modified Water Deliveries and Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan Projects in Northeast Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park
Assessing Near-Field and Landscape-Scale Ecological Effects of the Modified Water Deliveries and Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan Projects in Northeast Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park
Assessing the Occurrence, Dissipation and Potential Risks of Glyphosate Applications to Near-Coastal Aquatic Environments within Biscayne National Park.
Assessing the impact & potential for containment of non-
Assessing the impact of hurricane Irma and recovery trajectory of epiphytic communities in coastal buttonwood and mangrove forests in the Everglades National Park
Assessment of Natural Water Resources and Watershed Conditions for Biscayne National Park.
Assessment of water and constituent transport in the L31N canal following two hydraulic alterations to flow within and to the Everglades National Park
CESU - Dredging Impacts on Sediment and Phosphorus Mobilization at the Northern Boundary of Everglades National Park
CESU Evaluating the effects of fire history on coastal marsh peat collapse features in the northwest coastal Everglades, Everglades National Park.
CESU Online Exhibit of Historical Materials from Dry Tortugas National Park
CESU-Assessment of Biscayne National Park submerged aquatic vegetation/seagrass health to support conservation priorities
Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow Habitat Monitoring and Assessment Plan 2007.
Carbon Dioxide Efflux from Mangrove Soil & Woody Debris
Chemical Analysis and Risk Assessment (CARE) in ENP, BNP, and BCYP
Condition Assessment of the First Fort Bowie and Condition Assessment of the Second Fort Bowie - Fort Bowie National Historic Site
Conservation Genetics of South Florida Tephrosia
Contaminants and Adverse Effects on Aquatic Organisms of the Everglades -- A Probablistic Risk Assessment --
Continued Long-term Seagrass Monitoring in the Dry Tortugas National Park
Design and Implementation of Monitoring of Seagrass Restoration Projects in Biscayne National Park.
Detecting Vegetation Change along ENP Boundary Areas
Detection of bird nests using deep learning to support annual colonial bird monitoring efforts within Biscayne National Park
Determining the hydrological restoration requirements of aquatic slough vegetation.
Developing Ecosystem Response Indicators to Hydrologic and Nutrient Modification in Northeast Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park.
Developing Numeric Non-Degradation Water Quality Standards for Biscayne National Park.
Developing periphyton-based hydrologic indicators for the Everglades marl prairie.
Direct Measurement of Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) in Coastal Mangroves of Everglades National Park
Discovery and Development of Potential Microbial Biocontrol Agents for Brazilian Pepper Suppression in the Everglades National Park.
Documenting the Importance of Water Flow to Everglades Landscape Structure and Sediment Transport in Everglades National Park.
Dry Tortugas National Park Seagrass Communities Assessment Project
Dry Tortugas National Park Seagrass Communities Assessment Project: Long-term seagrass monitoring
Dry Tortugas: Establishing Seagrass Monitoring Sites
Ecological Assessment of Florida Bay and adjacent Mangrove Wetlands
Ecological Assessment of Florida Bay and adjacent Mangrove Wetlands
Ecological Effects of The Modified Water Deliveries and The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan in Northeast Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park
Ecological Impacts on Biscayne National Park from Proposed South Miami-Dade Development.
Ecosystem dynamics in the White Zone: history, drivers, and restoration implications
Ecosystem dynamics in the White Zone: history, drivers, and restoration implications
Effects of Landscape Features and Connectivity on Dispersal of Fish Accross the Everglades Landscape.
Effects of freshwater inflows and seagrass die-off on recreational fisheries: A trophic & movement ecology approach
Effects of the crocodile sanctuary closure and opening of Joe Bay on fishes and recreational fisheries
Environmental Monitoring and Aquatic Ecological Risk Assessment of Common Contaminants for Everglades National Park, Biscayne National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve: Critical Information Need for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan
Establishing a Protective Phosphorus Criterion for Big Cypress National Preserve: Exploratory Study
Ethnographic Overview and Assessment Research for Everglades National Park.
Ethnographic Overview and Assessment of the San Juan National Historic Site: A Research Plan
Evaluating Effects of Fire Treatments on the Exotic Fuel Lygodium Microphyllum Growth and Reproductive Output
Evaluation of Vegetation Response to Changes in Hydrologic Parameters within Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow Habitat, Everglades National Park, Florida
Everglades Fellowship Program at Florida International University.
Everglades National Park status survey of Garber's spurge (Chamaesyce garberi) and Cape Sable thoroughwort (Chromolaena frustrata) following Hurricane Irma
Florida Bay Mudbank Vulnerability Assessment
Florida Bay mudbank vulnerability assessment: continued monitoring of sediment elevations underlaying seagrass meadows
Freshwater fish monitoring in Water Conservation Area 3 and Everglades National Park
Freshwater fish monitoring in Water Conservation Area 3 and Everglades National Park
Freshwater fish monitoring in Water Conservation Area 3 and Everglades National Park
Freshwater fish monitoring in the Water Conservation Area 3 and Everglades National Park
Historic Context Study on Violence Against People of African Descent, 1500 -2020
Hurricane Irma effects on Florida Everglades Mangroves: Assessment of Resilience and Trajectories of Recovery
Identifying Nutrient Sources Driving Algal Blooms in Florida Bay: A Causal Analysis Approach
Image-based Streamlined Analysis Framework for Hazard Vulnerability Assessment of Historic Masonry Structures
Impacts of Increased Freshwater Flow and Nutrient on Benthic Community Structure and Trophic Relationships.
Impacts of Recent Fish Invasions on Native Fish Diets in the Shark River Slough: Repetition of Diet Study from 1977 to 1995
Interactive Effects of Water Management and Vegetation on Flow Patterns in the Everglades
Intergrated Hydrological and water quality model using MIKE SHE and MIKE 11 Software
Investigate sediment and floc transport of phosphorus at S333 gated structure on the northern boundary of Everglades National Park
Laboratory Services for Florida Bay Seawater Chemical Analysis
Linkages of Water Quality, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Wintering Waterfowl in Everglades National Park
Linkages of Water Quality, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, and Wintering Waterfowl in Everglades National Park: Status, Trends, and History
Lygodium microphyllum regrowth and spread after burning in coastal Everglades National Park
MIKE SHE AND MIKE 11 Surface /Subsurface Hydrological
Marl prairie/slough gradients: Monitoring conducted as part of the CERP Monitoring Assessment plan, Activity Number:
Mechanisms and Conditions responsible for elevated TP levels in surface water discharges to Shark River Slough within Everglades National Park
Monitoring Fish & Decapod Crustaceans in S. Everglades
Monitoring Fish and Decapod Crustaceans in the Southern Everglades.
Monitoring for Potential Water Quality Impacts Along the Eastern Boundary of Everglades National Park Including Taylor Slough
Monitoring for Potential Water Quality Impacts Eastern
Monitoring for Potential Water Quality Impacts along the Eastern Boundary of Everglades National Park, Including Taylor Slough
Monitoring for Potential Water Quality Impacts along the Eastern Boundary of Everglades National Park, Including Taylor Slough
Monitoring for Potential Water Quality Impacts along the Eastern Boundary of Everglades National Park, Including Taylor Slough
Monitoring for potential water quality impacts along the E boundary of ENP.
Monitoring, Modeling and Assessment of the Everglades Ecosystem: R-EMAP Phase III Planning-in supplement of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Program
Natural Resource Condition Assessment for Three Parks within the U.S. Virgin Islands
Optimization of LiDAR Data Processing Algorithms for Wetland Graminoid Marsh and Prairie Vegetation
Paleoecological and physiological impacts of reduced water flow on estuarine ecotone communities: understanding sea level rise and developing research guidelines for potential restoration impacts.
Phase V of the Everglades REMAP: Everglades Stressor Interactions Water Quality, Mercury Contamination, Hydrological Pattern, Soils, Eutrophication and Vegetation Characteristics
Phosphorous retention and sub-surface movement through the S-332 (PHASE II).
Physical Science Monitoring and Data Management
Physical Science Monitoring and Data Management.
Physiological Performance Measures and Tolerance Limits of Estuarine Indicator Species in South Florida.
Platydemus manokwari and Native Snail Surveys in Everglades and Big Cypress
Project Title CESU Evaluating the effects of hydrological restoration and sea-level rise on vegetation patterns within Everglades National Park.
Provide Specialized Support Services to the Office of Everglades Restoration Initiatives
Provide Specialized Support Services to the Office of Everglades Restoration Initiatives
Provide office services and operational technical support to the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, Office of the Executive Director
Providing support for Modeling Evapotranspiration (ET) in Everglades National Park using Eddy Covariance Data and Satellite-based Information
Quantifying how variability in hydroperiod and fire mediate plant-soil biogeochemical cycling and productivity in boundary wetlands of everglades national park
REMAP IV (2014) -- Phase II. Data Distribution System
Re-sampling of Vegetation Survey Sites within Cape Sable seaside sparrow Habitat
Redesign of the Everglades fishing guide reporting system
Renewal: Provide office services and operational technical support to the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, Office of the Executive Director
Responses of mangroves to regional environmental change.
SOFL CESU - Leadership, Coordination, and Administrative Oversight for the South Florida Caribbean Cooperative Ecosystem Studies UnitSOFL CESU - Leadership, Coordination, and Administrative Oversight
Simulation of vegetation dynamics in the Marl prairie landscape using the Everglades Vegetation Succession Model (ELVeS)
Stabilize and Protect South Florida Archeological Sites with Integrated Ecosystem Restoration
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation & Water Quality Monitoring
Submerged aquatic vegetation and physicochemical monitoring in the Florida Bay Mangrove zone for CERP assessments and targets refinement.
Survey of hard-bottom sponge communities in Florida Bay within the Everglades National Park
Synthesis of Everglades Research & Ecosystem Services II
Synthesis of Existing Data on Aquatic Communities in Everglades National Park.
Synthesis of Water Quality and Benthic Habitat
Technical Workshop Proposal to Everglades National Park
The South Florida Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network Ecologist Postdoctoral Position for Vital Signs Indicators
The South Florida Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network Undergraduate Internship and Training Program
The South Florida Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network Undergraduate internship and training program Vegetation Mapping
The South Florida Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network Youth Internship and Training Program
The South Florida Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network Youth Internship and Training Program
The South Florida Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network Youth Internship and Training Program
Tree Islands in Everglades Landscapes: Current Status, Historical Changes, and Hydrologic Impacts on Population Dynamics and Moisture Relations.
Understanding seagrass inputs on the mangrove soil elevation in Biscayne National Park
Vegetation Study within the Current and Adjoining Potential Habitat of Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow in the Southern Everglades
Vegetation changes occurring over time in key areas of ENP will be characterized through a review and analysis of existing vegetation datasets and ENP- specific vegetation literature, as well as with remote sensing methodologies
Vegetation mapping in Biscayne National Park.
Vegetation study within the current and adjoining potential habitat of Cape Sable seaside sparrow in the southern Everglade
Water Quality/Soils and Ecological Effects of Pilot Spreader Swales along the Tamiami Trail in Everglades National Park.