Host genetics and geography influence microbiome composition in the sponge Ircinia campanaArticle
Griffiths, Sarah M, Antwis, Rachael E, Lenzi, Luca et al. (2019). Host genetics and geography influence microbiome composition in the sponge Ircinia campana
. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY, 88(11), 1684-1695. 10.1111/1365-2656.13065
Griffiths, Sarah M, Antwis, Rachael E, Lenzi, Luca et al. (2019). Host genetics and geography influence microbiome composition in the sponge Ircinia campana
. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY, 88(11), 1684-1695. 10.1111/1365-2656.13065