Scholarly & Creative Works
administers grant
An Intellectual Biography of Claude Brown (1937-2002), Author of Manchild in the Promised Land
Bilateral Coordination for the Enhancement and Development of Science and technology Partnerships between the European Union and the USA
Blanche Ely House Museum: Collections Assessment, Resource Advising, Black History Consultation, and Curatorial Work
Boldly Embodied: Black Women in 20th Century Miami
Bridging the Gap: Linking History PhD Training to Non Academic Employment
CIFAR Fellowship Research Funds
Digital Archives for Virginia Key
EU Centers of Excellence
Ecohumanities for Cities in Crisis
Enlightenment on Trial, University of Texas- Austin Residential Fellowship
Female Activists and Political Change During the 1868 Meiji Restoration in Japan.
Florida Teacher Quality Grant
Florida Teaching Quality
Florida Teaching Quality (FTQ)
From Liberation to Prosperity The Peak and Decline of Progressive Catholic Lay Movements and the Rise of Neo Pentecostalism in Sao Paulo Brazil
Hampton House African American Film Series
Historic Context Study on Violence Against People of African Descent, 1500 -2020
Historical Exhibit for Hampton House
Miami Beach Archives Digitalization Project
Minimal Standards of Adequacy: A History of Health Care in US Prisons
Strategic Plan for Black Precinct and Courthouse in Overtown
Sweet Captivity: A History of Primate Science from Cuba to the United States
Taking Tyrants to Court: Civil Litigation in the Spanish Empire
Taking Tyrants to Court: Civil Litigation in the Spanish Empire during the Enlightenment
Taking Tyrants to Court: Civil Litigation in the Spanish Empire.
Teaching American History 7/12-6/13
Teaching American History Grant
Teaching American History.
The Global Latrobe Family: Evangelicalism, Slavery, and Empire, 1750s & 1850s
The Smallest Subject: History, Science and Peru's Youngest Mother in the World
The Smallest Subject: Peru's Youngest Mother and the Rise of Modern Research Ethics
The Symphony of State: Sao Paulo's Department of Culture, 1922-1954
War and Healing: A Century of Veterans' Reintegration