
  • Dr. Mattfeld is the Director of the Memory and Development (MaD) Lab, where research is focused on understanding the neurobiological mechanisms that support learning and memory, and how these mechanisms change as a result of development and neurodevelopmental disorders. Memory is the product of a richly interacting network of brain regions. The extent to which these networks operate in concert, and the nature of their interactions, are not well understood. The MaD Lab uses multimodal imaging methodologies, as well as computational models of associative learning, to investigate both the distinct mechanisms and the interactions of different learning and memory systems. The guiding questions of the lab include: (1) What are the neural mechanisms and subsequent interactions between different learning and memory systems (2) How do those neural mechanisms and interactions change as a function of development and neurodevelopmental diseases such as ADHD and (3) How can our knowledge about the neurobiology of learning and memory help us develop more effective teaching practices, as well as better diagnoses and treatments of developmental disorders.

research interests

  • Learning and Memory, fMRI, ADHD, Development

selected scholarly works & creative activities

full name

  • Aaron Mattfeld


publication subject areas

Citation index-derived subject areas the researcher has published in