awards grant
A Novel Approach to Stimulant-Induced Weight Suppression and its Impact on Growth
A Novel Multimodal Intervention for Children with ADHD and Impaired Mood
A developmentally-sensitive mechanism underlying the escalation of adolescent social anxiety
A novel examination of the neurobiological deficits underlying increased reaction time variability in children with ADHD.
Acceptability of a patient-centered decision aid to inform HIV prevention choices and uptake among at-risk male couples
Acceptability, feasibility, and preliminary impact of a web-based, HIV prevention toolkit with cisgender male couples in Lima, Peru
Advancing Health Equity through Park Afterschool Programs
An investigation of transdiagnostic mechanisms underlying ASD and ADHD traits among infants at risk
Attention Bias Modification Training in Child Anxiety CBT Non-responders
Attention Bias Modification Training in Youth with Subthreshold Impairing Anxiety
Attention Bias Modification Training in Youth with Subthreshold Impairing Anxiety
Behavior Modification in Young ADHD Children
Behavior Problems in Infancy: A Preventive Intervention
Biosignatures of Executive Function and Emotion Regulation in young children with ADHD
Biosignatures of Executive Function and Emotion Regulation in young children with ADHD
BrainMap Tracker: Automated Annotation of Brain Mapping Experiments
BrainMap Tracker: Automated Annotation of Brain Mapping Experiments
Center for the Study of Schools as a Context for Urban Children's Mental Health
Community-Based Care for Minority Adolescents with ADHD: Improving Fidelity with Machine Learning-Assisted Supervision and Fidelity Feedback
Considering Culture and Context: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Examining Adolescent Engagement and Parent Satisfaction in Urban Out-Of-School-Time Programs
Designing A Novel Behavioral Treatment protocol For Children Characterized by Conduct Problems with Callous-Unemotional Traits
Develop and evaluate efficacy of nanoformulated siBeclin1 delivered intranasally to eliminate HIV in brain
Development of a Cognitive Paradigm Ontology: BrainMap and BIRN
Development of strategies to reduce the impact of the relative age effect on kindergarteners with ADHD
Ecological Assessment of Cognitive Control in Individuals with Social Anxiety
Effectiveness of MI Enhanced Behavior Therapy for Adolescents with ADHD
Effectiveness of MI Enhanced Behavior Therapy for Adolescents with ADHD
Effectiveness of a Depression Care Management Initiative in Home Healthcare.
Emotion Regulation for Urban Youth: Minimizing Risk for Anxiety and Depression
Emotional Systems in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Evaluating Innovative Treatment Formats for Difficult-to-Treat Child Populations
Evaluating an Online Adjunctive Support following Intensive Services (OASIS) Strategy for Youth with Selective Mutism
Evaluating the Feasibility of Internet-Delivered Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
Examining Tolerance to CNS Stimulants in ADHD
Examining Tolerance to CNS Stimulants in ADHD
Extending the Response Modulation Process to Children with Callous/Unemotional Traits
Growing Up: Intervening with HIV positive adolescents in resource-poor settings
HIV Prevention Research and Infrastructure Development in Syria and Middle East
HIV risk and prevention venue affiliation among young
Heterogeneity in ADHD: Autonomic, Behavior, Emotion, and Treatment Response.
Heterosexual couples' attitudes and associated factors of couple's HIV testing and counseling
Identification by targeted exome capture of immunogenetic variations in anti-viral pattern recognition receptors that predispose African-Americans to HIV infection and neuroAIDS
Identifying Person-Specific Drivers of Adolescent Depression via Idiographic Network Modeling of Active and Passive Smartphone Data
Identifying preferences for receiving HIV prevention services among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) and for providing HIV prevention services among healthcare providers (HCP) who are active-duty service members.
Immediate Fast-Track versus Standard Care for Persons Living with HIV in Haiti: A Randomized Pilot Study
Immuno-Neuropathogenic Mechanisms of HIV-1 clade B and C
Impact of clinician Virtual Human Interaction training in Emotional Self-Awareness on patients Suicidal Ideation and Suicide crisis Syndrome; A Randomized controlled Trail
Improving Medication Adherence in ADHD Adolescents
Improving Satisfaction, Engagement and Clinical Outcomes Among Traditionally Underserved Children Through Cultural Formulation
Increasing Academic Success in Middle School Students with ADHD
Instacortisol: A Realtime and Continuous Assessment of Cortisol ISF
Integrative Data Analysis of Psychosocial Treatment Studies for Adolescent ADHD
Integrative Data Analysis of Psychosocial Treatment Studies for Adolescent ADHD
Intervening with Haitian Immigrants in the U.S. to Improve HIV Outcomes
Living Positive: Life in Community among Puerto Rican Men Living with HIV/AIDS.
Measurement-based Care for Depression in Resource-Poor Settings
Mechanisms of Neuro-AIDS by HIV 1B and C Clades
Mechanisms of Skill Uptake and Maintenance in Psychosocial Treatment for Adolescent ADHD
Mechanisms of Skill Uptake and Maintenance in Psychosocial Treatment for Adolescent ADHD
Mental Health Services for Infants/Toddlers Receiving Part C Early Intervention
Meta-Analysis in Human Brain Mapping
Meta-Analysis in Human Brain Mapping
Neural Correlates of symptoms and functioning in young adults with childhood ADHD
Neural correlates of attention training in children with anxiety disorders
Novel Magneto-Electric Nanodelivery of Drugs to Eradicate HIV from CNS
Organizational Context and Children's Mental Health in Urban After School Programs
Parental Mediation of Child Anxiety CBT Outcome
Perceptual and decisional processes underlying face perception biases in clinical depression
Personalized prevention for couples
Personalizing Behavioral Parent Training: Improving Reach and Outcomes for Families of Children with ADHD
Physicians and Health Related Services for Male-to-Female Transgender Persons
Prescribing Psychotropic Drugs to Youth: Cultural Factors in Parental Attitudes.
Psychosocial Mediation Trials and Minority Trainees
Sexual Risk Behaviors in Adolescent Couples.
Sleep-dependent negative overgeneralization in peri-pubertal anxiety
Sleep-dependent negative overgeneralization in peri-pubertal anxiety
Small molecule agonists of the relaxin receptor
Targeting Attention Orienting to Social Threat to Reduce Social Anxiety in Youth
Targeting Burdensomeness among Clinic Referred Youth: Development of a Brief CBT Module
Telephone CBT for Depressed African-American Dementia Caregivers.
Testing a Mechanistic Model of Attention to Social Media Content and Sleep Disturbance in the Escalation of Social Anxiety in Adolescents
The Development and Systematic Evaluation of an AI-Assisted Just-in-Time-Adaptive-Intervention for Improving Child Mental Health
The Development and Systematic Evaluation of an AI-Assisted Just-in-Time-Adaptive-Intervention for Improving Child Mental Health
The University of Miami Mental Health Research Center
The role of the nucleus reuniens in the temporal organization of memory and behavior
Transdiagnostic Mechanisms of Youth Externalizing Psychopathology from Childhood to Adolescence: A Longitudinal Person-Centered Approach
Treatment Development Targeting Positive Affect Function in Adolescent Depression
Treatment Research Investigating Depression Effects on Neuroimmune Targets (TRIDENT)
Using mixed methods to examine the risk and protective factors of suicide among justice-involved Black youth