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Child Health and Human Development
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National Institutes of Health
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A dimensional approach to understanding emotional neglect and its impact on children's psychosocial development: A mixed methods study
Adapting a Parenting Intervention to Promote Healthy Screen Time Habits in Young Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems
An Innovative Video Intervention for Newborn Medical Male Circumcision
Analysis of the nucleotide- and methionine cycle metabolite abundance in Drosophila intestine during aging
Audiovisual Interactions in Categorization.
Bidirectional Associations between Parental Distress and Behavior Problems in Children with Developmental Delay
Child spatial ability: What role do parents play?
Development of Intermodal Perception of Social Events: Infancy to Childhood
Effect of Neural Constraints on Movement in Stroke
Effect of Parent Emotion-Related Talk on Infant Behavior and Regulation
Effects of Social Cues on Learning and Memory during Early Infancy
Effect of Soluble Corn Fiber supplementation for 1 year on bone metabolism in adolescents (MetA-Bone Trial)
Encouraging Young Adults to Make Effective Nutrition Choices: MENU Gen Y
Episodic memory and suggestibility in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Examining the Influence of Parenting Practices on Youths Sleep Health During a Sensitive Developmental Period.
FANMI: A community-based cohort model for adolescent HIV care in Haiti
Genetic Basis of Testicular Descent.
IREK12: Spinal stimulation for neuropathic pain
Impact of Collective Efficacy and Neighborhood Structural Disadvantage on Depressive Symptoms among Adolescents in the United States
Improving parenting capacity to promote safe driving for adolescents with ADHD
Individual Differences in the Development of Spatial Skills: Role of Hippocampal Function and Structure
Infant motor skill trajectories and language outcomes
Interdisciplinary Engineering Career Development Center in Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences
Internet Treatment for Behavior Problems in Preschoolers with Developmental Delay
Intersensory Perception of Social Events: Typical and Atypical Development
Intersensory Processing, Developmental Trajectories, and Logitudinal Outcomes
Intersensory Processing, Developmental Trajectories, and Longitudinal Outcomes
Intersensory Processing, Developmental Trajectories, and Longitudinal Outcomes
Low Income First Time Mothers: Effects of APN Follow-up Mobile Technology on Mate
Mechanisms of Transcription-Coupled DNA Supercoiling
Medication Adherence After Stroke
Medication Adherence After Stroke (MAST)
Monolingual and bilingual infants' sensitivity to agreement morphology in Spanish
Multisensory Development: New Measures and a Collaborative Database
Office for Access to Biomedical Research and Training - 2007.
Parent-Preschooler Emotion Narratives: Reading to promote literacy and socioemotional competency in urban communities of poverty
Parental Influences on Emotion Regulation Pathways Among Youth with and without ADHD
Parenting and Latino Adolescent Sexual Risk Taking.
Perinatal Determinants of Intersensory Perception
Piloting disclosure of their status to youth living with HIV in Hispaniola
Preventive Intervention for Behavior Problems in Infants from High-Risk Families
Promoting adult and youth resilience and well-being
Religion and Sexual Risk Taking in Youth.
Role of Y Chromosomal Genes in Male Fertility.
Self-Concept Intervention for Urban High School Students
Single and Combined Effects of Positive Behavior Support, Medication and Academic Accommodation for Children with ADHD