Dr. Xuyu Wang is an Assistant Professor in the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University. Before joining FIU, he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at California State University, Sacramento. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Auburn University in 2018. His research interests include trustworthy AI, wireless sensing, Internet of Things, smart health, wireless localization, wireless networks, quantum machine learning, and IoT security. He received the NSF CRII Award in 2021. He was a co-recipient of the ACM FAcct 2023 Best Paper Award, the 2022 Best Journal Paper Award of IEEE ComSoc eHealth Technical Committee, the IEEE INFOCOM 2022 Best Demo Award, the IEEE ICC 2022 Best Paper Award, the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society 2020 Jack Neubauer Memorial Award, the IEEE GLOBECOM 2019 Best Paper Award, the IEEE ComSoc MMTC Best Journal Paper Award in 2018, the IEEE PIMRC 2017 Best Student Paper Award, and the IEEE SECON 2017 Best Demo Award. He was invited to organize AI health tutorials at CVPR 2020, ICC 2022, CVPR 2022, CVPR 2023 and CVPR 2024, a special session at IEEE BHI 2021, and give a keynote speech at CVPM 2020. He is an editor of Elsevier Book titled "Contactless Vital Signs Monitoring". He is also an associate editor of Elsevier Digital Communications and Networks, and a guest editor of ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks. He is also a co-chair of IEEE INFOCOM 2023/2024 Workshop on Deep Learning for Wireless Communications, Sensing, and Security (DeepWireless), a TPC co-chair of IEEE ICC/GLOBECOM 2024 Workshop on Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Wireless Security, a symposium co-chair of AI and Machine Learning for Communications and Networking (AMCN) in ICNC 2025, a tutorials co-chair of IEEE CCNC 2024, a workshop co-chair of IEEE Healthcom 2024, and a publicity co-chair of IEEE/ACM CHASE 2023.
research interests
Wireless sensing; Internet of Things; Wireless localization; Smart health; Wireless networks; AI security