Since receiving her doctoral degree, Dr. Rhonda Rosenberg has been focused on areas of public health in which science is a necessary, but insufficient condition for achieving insight and change.
In her initial years, she was involved in a project to bring together biological scientists and literary writers to translate the science of ecosystem health and restoration into cultural terms. She subsequently worked in the area of aging, in which she collaborated with nursing professors from three Florida universities to create the initiative, “Speaking to the Alzheimer’s Mind,” which aimed to adapt talk therapy to enlist the affective strengths of patients to bridge their cognitive deficits.
Since 2000, she has focused on the development and optimization of intervention strategies for the prevention and treatment of HIV and related mental health and substance use comorbidities, in which the central question has been how to reach the most vulnerable populations in perhaps the most emotionally charged area of public health. For over 15 years, Dr. Rosenberg has been a core part of the AIDS Prevention Program, contributing to numerous National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant submissions and subsequent publications and presentations. Several of these were awarded on the first try and continue to lead to new areas of collaboration, such as neurocognitive moderators of change.