
  • Dr. Jin is an Assistant Professor with the Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Florida International University. Her research specializes in the areas of travel demand and behavior analysis that integrates econometric theory and discrete choice analysis to enhance the understanding of travel choice behavior in response to changes in the urban system. She has been focusing on land use-transportation interactions that enable explicit representation of the dynamic urban forms and the interactions between transportation, economic activities and land use. Her recent research also include travel survey methods that provide fundamental input for travel analysis, and geographic information systems (GIS) that brings advanced spatial analysis techniques and information system technologies into transportation solutions.

    Previously, Dr. Jin provided modeling expertise to the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) on various aspects of modeling operations and transportation planning. She supervised the recalibration and updating process of the travel demand model for the largest and most complex region in the country. Dr. Jin also led a series of research activities in proposing effective approaches to improving the regional demographic and land use forecasting practices, shaping the next generation of the regional model system, and designing the framework for a Transportation Information Gateway (TIG) that integrates GIS and information technologies to promote efficient and effective information dissemination, communication and visualization.

    Dr. Jin received a Doctorate degree in Transportation Engineering after the Master's degrees in Transportation Engineering and Urban Planning from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee and a Bachelor's degree in Transportation Engineer from Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology.

research interests

  • Travel Demand Modeling, Activity‐Travel Behavior Analysis, Land Use‐Transportation Interactions, Geographic Information Systems, Travel Surveys, and Intelligent Transportation Systems

selected scholarly works & creative activities

principal investigator on

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full name

  • Xia Jin


publication subject areas

Citation index-derived subject areas the researcher has published in