Dr. Shahid Hamid is Professor of Finance and Chair of the Finance department in the College of Business at Florida International University. He also serves as the Director of the Laboratory for Insurance, Financial and Economic Research located in the International Hurricane Research Center at FIU, and is the Director of an entrepreneurial venture for FIU, and past Director of the MS in Finance program. He has conducted research on a wide variety of topics including hurricane loss modeling, homeowner insurance, international stock markets, corporate financial policies, commercial banking, interest rate risk, derivatives, financial crisis, portfolio performance, central bank policy, technological change, mergers and acquisitions, free trade agreements, and securities class action lawsuits. His recent research work has focused on the insurance and financial consequences of hurricanes. Professor Hamid has received 40 research grants for over $20 million. As the Principal Investigator and project manager for about 18 years he assembled and led a multi-disciplinary team of over two dozen current and past professors and experts and about seventy five students from FIU, UF, FSU, UM, FIT, Notre Dame, WVU, NOAA, NIST etc., in the project to develop, upgrade, and operate the Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model for wind loss and flood loss estimation. The model has been used more than 1,000 times by the state of Florida to evaluate rate filings and conduct stress tests on insurance companies. He is also director of an entrepreneurial venture for FIU Research Foundation that provides hurricane loss modeling service to about thirty client companies in the private sector. Outside of research, Professor Hamid has conducted seminars for executives, served as occasional consultant, and participated and testified in legislative and public hearings. He has been interviewed frequently on professional topics by the print and TV news media.
Dr. Hamid has produced over 180 refereed academic journal papers, proceedings, book chapters, conference presentations, and technical reports. Dr. Hamid's research has been published in such journals as the Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Regional Science, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, European Journal of Finance, Decision Sciences, International Trade Journal, Applied Economics, Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, International Journal of Finance, Journal of Structural Engineering, Software Practice and Experience, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, IEEE proceedings, Natural Hazard Review, Applied and Theoretical Climatology, Statistical Methodology, Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, Government Information Quarterly, and others. He has also presented his research at numerous meetings including those of the Financial Management Association, American Economic Association, American Risk and Insurance Association, European Finance Association, Multinational Finance Society, Global Finance Association and many more. He has been member of about 19 university and college committees and is a leader in the faculty governance of curriculum having served as chair of university curriculum committee, chair of COB graduate curriculum committee, chair of COB research committee, member of university faculty senate, and member of the university graduate council. Dr. Hamid has taught bachelor, masters, and doctoral courses, and created and administered as director the tuition plus one year Master of Science in Finance program. He has received 17 teaching awards and 5 research awards and 2 awards for service, including the FIU outstanding research and outstanding teaching as well as the top scholar awards.
research interests
Asset Valuation Models; Catastrophe Loss Modeling; Corporate Dividend and Debt Policies; Insured Hurricane Property Loss Estimation, AAL and PML; International Portfolio Management; Portfolio Performance Measurement ;Stock Markets and Short Sale Ban; Technological Change in Banking; Stock Option Listing