Vulnerability of low-rise commercial-residential buildings in the Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model
Pita, GL, Pinelli, JP, Gurley, K et al. (2009). Vulnerability of low-rise commercial-residential buildings in the Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model
Pita, GL, Pinelli, JP, Gurley, K et al. (2009). Vulnerability of low-rise commercial-residential buildings in the Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model
As a follow-up of the initial success of the Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model (FPHLM), authorities from the state of Florida decided to expand the model to include commercial-residential buildings that encompass low-rise buildings (1-3 stories) and mid-high rise buildings (4+ stories). The model is devised to provide the state of Florida with a flexible tool to assist in the projection of insured losses, hurricane disaster prevention and mitigation related efforts. This paper presents an approach to estimate the vulnerability of commercial residential low-rise buildings. It addresses the current state of the model and the work in progress including a description of exterior and interior damage estimation techniques. It also reports selected results of a Florida commercial-residential building stock survey. Mid-high rise buildings differ from the low rise buildings in dimensions, materials and behavior, and therefore they demand a different treatment. Although not the main objective of this paper, a short description of the process to estimate the exterior and interior damage in mid-high rise buildings is provided to contrast both approaches.