
  • As a Theoretical Physicists my research in many cases proceeded in collaboration with experimental colleagues. Such collaborations resulted in about 20 experimental proposals for which I provided theoretical support and two Science papers published by JLab experimentalists on the dominance of pn short-range correlations and momentum sharing in asymmetric nuclei. The 12 GeV CEBAF is an unparalleled machine allowing experiments which in many cases will break new ground in our understanding the structure of nuclei and hadrons. If elected, I will use UGBoD’s framework to contribute to the 12 GeV program by enhancing the flow of ideas between theoretical and experimental groups through workshops and collaborative meetings. I would also explore the possibility of supporting the mutual visits of theorists and experimentalists involved in early stages of experimental proposals.

research interests

  • High Energy Nuclear Physics
    Short Range Correlations in Nuclei
    Cold Dense Nuclear Matter
    QCD and Nuclei
    Quark-Hadron Transition
    Hadrons in Nuclear Medium

selected scholarly works & creative activities

full name

  • Misak Sargsian


publication subject areas

Citation index-derived subject areas the researcher has published in