We discuss the process of deep-inelastic electron scattering (DIS) on the polarized deuteron with detection of a nucleon in the nuclear fragmentation region ("spectator tagging"). We cover (a) the general structure of the semi-inclusive DIS cross section on a spin-1 target; (b) the tagged structure functions in the impulse approximation, where deuteron structure is described by the NN light-front wave function; (c) the extraction of free neutron structure through on-shell extrapolation in the recoil proton momentum. As an application we consider the extraction of the neutron structure function F2n and spin structure function g1n through electron scattering on the (un)polarized deuteron with proton tagging and on-shell extrapolation. Such measurements would be possible at an Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) with polarized deuteron beams and forward proton detectors.