
  • Andrea Patrucco is an Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management in the Department of Marketing and Logistics at the Florida International University College of Business.

    His research interests are in the field of management of buyer-supplier relationships in both the private and public sectors. He is one of the academic leaders of the International Research Study on Public Procurement Research group, and he actively collaborates with government organizations in the United States, such as the National Association of State Procurement Officers and the National Institute of Government Purchasing.

    His research has been published in several academic journals such as the Journal of Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, and the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. He is an active reviewer for several Supply Chain and Operations Management journals, and he reviewed more than 130 manuscripts since 2014. Andrea serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, he is the Editorial Assistant for the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management and a Social Media Editor for the International Journal of Operations and Productions Management. He also sits on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Supply Chain Management and the International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications. He manages (or previously managed) special issues as lead Guest Editor for the Journal of Business Logistics, Industrial Marketing Management, Public Management Review, and the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.

research interests

  • Buyer-supplier relationships; Public procurement; Supply chain strategies

selected scholarly works & creative activities

full name

  • Andrea Patrucco
