
  • Paulo H. M. Chaves, MD, PhD is a geriatrician and clinical epidemiologist. He holds the endowed Leon Medical Centers Eminent Scholar Chair in Geriatrics in the Hebert Wertheim College of Medicine, and serves as Director of the Benjamin Leon Center for Geriatric Research and Education at FIU. Dr. Chaves led, in strategic partnership with Leon Medical Centers, the launch of the Leon Medical Centers Annual Geriatrics Conference, a major continuing medical education (CME) program that provides state-of-art updates on current topics relevant for physicians involved with the healthcare of older adults.

    Before coming to FIU, Dr. Chaves served as the director of the Epidemiology of Aging program at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and co-investigator and/or principal investigator of the Hopkins site of multicenter, National Institutes of Health-funded population-based studies of older adults.

selected scholarly works & creative activities

full name

  • Paulo De Hendonca Chaves
  • Paulo Chaves
  • Paulo H De Hendonca Chaves
  • Paulo H Chaves
