
  • Dr. Buckman earned her Ph.D. from Arizona State University in 2014. Her published research has examined the various ways leaders enhance their followers’ levels of engagement, as well as how different types of leader behaviors influence their followers' perceptions of fairness in the face of stressful job demands. She also has published a review of the research regarding how the personalities within a team influence teamwork and team effectiveness, and a book chapter that describes the various implications (both good and bad) of having strong positive relationships among team members.

    In conducting this research, she has worked with a wide variety of organizations and industries, including the U.S. military, numerous automobile and pharmaceutical organizations in Eastern China, a U.S. based insurance company, a debt collection agency, a nation-wide fast-food chain, and a system of hospitals. She often draws upon her own five years of work experience, both as an external auditor at KPMG and as a senior financial analyst at Kraft Foods, both in her research and when teaching about human resource related concepts in the classroom.

research interests

  • Compensation and Benefits; Finance for HR Professionals; Organization and Management; Organizational Analysis; Organizational Behavior; Reward Systems Management

selected scholarly works & creative activities

full name

  • Brooke Buckman
