
  • Dr. Kostrna’s professional philosophy centers on the integration of scientific research, learning and applied practice. He is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) and Approved Mentor for the Association of Applied Sport Psychology (AASP), a Certified Personal Trainer for the National Council on Strength and Fitness, serves on the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) Sport Psychology Registry, and a member of the Sport and Exercise Psychology Area Program committee for the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA). He has consulted and conducted research with numerous teams and individual performers of all age ranges, from amateur to professional/Olympic levels. Additionally, he has worked with non-sport and exercise populations to improve performance and increase enjoyment, motivation and adherence.

research interests

  • Dr. Kostrna’s research agenda examines how attentional interventions influence the cognitive and emotional determinants of exercise adherence and sport performance. His published and current research investigates exercise adherence and applied interventions designed to improve motivation for exercise through the manipulation of perceived exertion, enjoyment, competence, autonomy, and relatedness. His existing and ongoing research on sport performance focuses on the effects of stress and its resultant emotions on decision-making as well as applied sport psychology interventions to improve performance and decision-making in high-pressure situations.

selected scholarly works & creative activities

full name

  • Jason Kostrna


publication subject areas

Citation index-derived subject areas the researcher has published in