Effects of Fine-Scale Topography on CO2 Flux Components of Alaskan Coastal Plain Tundra: Response to Contrasting Growing Seasons
Olivas, Paulo C, Oberbauer, Steven F, Tweedie, Craig et al. (2011). Effects of Fine-Scale Topography on CO2 Flux Components of Alaskan Coastal Plain Tundra: Response to Contrasting Growing Seasons
. ARCTIC ANTARCTIC AND ALPINE RESEARCH, 43(2), 256-266. 10.1657/1938-4246-43.2.256
Olivas, Paulo C, Oberbauer, Steven F, Tweedie, Craig et al. (2011). Effects of Fine-Scale Topography on CO2 Flux Components of Alaskan Coastal Plain Tundra: Response to Contrasting Growing Seasons
. ARCTIC ANTARCTIC AND ALPINE RESEARCH, 43(2), 256-266. 10.1657/1938-4246-43.2.256