Correlating Water Quality and Profile Data in the Florida Keys Conference

Torres, Alejandro, Reis, Gregory, Absten, Jeff et al. (2019). Correlating Water Quality and Profile Data in the Florida Keys . OCEANS 2017 - ABERDEEN, 10.23919/oceans40490.2019.8962646

cited authors

  • Torres, Alejandro; Reis, Gregory; Absten, Jeff; Briceno, Henry O; Bobadilla, Leonardo; Smith, Ryan N

date/time interval

  • October 27, 2019 -

publication date

  • January 1, 2019

published in


  • Engineering
  • Engineering, Marine
  • Oceanography
  • Physical Sciences
  • Science & Technology
  • Technology


  • WA, Seattle

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)


  • MTS/IEEE Oceans Seattle Conference (Oceans Seattle)


  • IEEE