PTSD-related alcohol expectancies and impulsivity interact to predict alcohol use severity in a substance dependent sample with PTSD
Schaumberg, Katherine, Vinci, Christine, Raiker, Joseph S et al. (2015). PTSD-related alcohol expectancies and impulsivity interact to predict alcohol use severity in a substance dependent sample with PTSD
. ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 41 41-45. 10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.09.022
Schaumberg, Katherine, Vinci, Christine, Raiker, Joseph S et al. (2015). PTSD-related alcohol expectancies and impulsivity interact to predict alcohol use severity in a substance dependent sample with PTSD
. ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 41 41-45. 10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.09.022