Is Carla grumpy? Analysis of peer evaluations to explore microaggressions and other marginalizing behaviors in engineering student teams
Dickerson, Darryl A, Masta, Stephanie, Ohland, Matthew W et al. (2024). Is Carla grumpy? Analysis of peer evaluations to explore microaggressions and other marginalizing behaviors in engineering student teams
. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION, 113(3), 603-634. 10.1002/jee.20606
Dickerson, Darryl A, Masta, Stephanie, Ohland, Matthew W et al. (2024). Is Carla grumpy? Analysis of peer evaluations to explore microaggressions and other marginalizing behaviors in engineering student teams
. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION, 113(3), 603-634. 10.1002/jee.20606