"Big Ideas" of Introductory Chemistry and Biology Courses and the Connections between Them
Allred, Zahilyn D Roche, Caobi, Laura Santiago, Pardinas, Brittney et al. (2022). "Big Ideas" of Introductory Chemistry and Biology Courses and the Connections between Them
. CBE-LIFE SCIENCES EDUCATION, 21(2), 10.1187/cbe.21-10-0301
Allred, Zahilyn D Roche, Caobi, Laura Santiago, Pardinas, Brittney et al. (2022). "Big Ideas" of Introductory Chemistry and Biology Courses and the Connections between Them
. CBE-LIFE SCIENCES EDUCATION, 21(2), 10.1187/cbe.21-10-0301
Allred, Zahilyn D Roche; Caobi, Laura Santiago; Pardinas, Brittney; Echarri-Gonzalez, Andrea; Kohn, Kathryn P; Kararo, Alex T; Cooper, Melanie M; Underwood, Sonia M