To elevate or to duplicate? Experiential learning, host-country institutions, and MNE post-entry commitment increase
Putzhammer, Moritz, Fainshmidt, Stay, Puck, Jonas et al. (2018). To elevate or to duplicate? Experiential learning, host-country institutions, and MNE post-entry commitment increase
. JOURNAL OF WORLD BUSINESS, 53(4), 568-580. 10.1016/j.jwb.2018.03.004
Putzhammer, Moritz, Fainshmidt, Stay, Puck, Jonas et al. (2018). To elevate or to duplicate? Experiential learning, host-country institutions, and MNE post-entry commitment increase
. JOURNAL OF WORLD BUSINESS, 53(4), 568-580. 10.1016/j.jwb.2018.03.004