Market Segmentation Research: Beyond Within and Across Group Differences
Allenby, G, Fennell, G, Bemmaor, A et al. (2002). Market Segmentation Research: Beyond Within and Across Group Differences
. MARKETING LETTERS, 13(3), 233-243. 10.1023/A:1020226922683
Allenby, G, Fennell, G, Bemmaor, A et al. (2002). Market Segmentation Research: Beyond Within and Across Group Differences
. MARKETING LETTERS, 13(3), 233-243. 10.1023/A:1020226922683
Market segmentation research is currently focused too narrowly on the task of segment identification as opposed to its strategic relevance within a firm. In this paper we distinguish an ex ante approach to market segmentation research, which begins with studying the motivating conditions that lead people to the tasks and interests in their lives, from an ex post approach which begins with an individual's reaction to marketplace offerings. We argue that the marketing task of guiding managements to 'make what people will want to buy' will be more successful in light of a deep understanding of behavior in the context of everyday life and work, rather than a detailed understanding of preferences in the marketplace. Directions for future research are discussed.