Marc Weinstein, Ph.D. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996) is Clinical Professor of Management at Florida International University in Miami, Florida. Dr. Weinstein specializes in the areas of occupational safety and health and employee wellness. He has published in a wide range of journals including Applied Ergonomics, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Management Research, International Journal of Occupational Environmental Health and The Journal of Construction and Engineering Management. He has also been the recipient of numerous grants and research awards from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and has consulted with numerous companies and governmental organizations in the areas of labor/management relations and occupational safety and health. In addition to this research activity, Dr. Weinstein has received recognition for his classroom teaching and is the recipient of Blackboard’s 2013 Director’s Choice Award for innovation in on-line education. Dr. Weinstein is Director of College Relations for Greater Miami Society for Human Resource Management, and is the Faculty Advisor for the FIU Student Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management.
research interests
Occupational Safety and Health; Labor-Management Relations; Organizational Wellness