Weirui Wang (Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at Florida International University. Dr. Wang’s research focuses on information processing and persuasion, with a special emphasis on understanding persuasive message effects, communication processes related to stigmatization/de-stigmatization, and misinformation correction in communicating health, science and risk. Her work has been published in Science Communication, Information, Communication and Society, Computers in Human Behavior, Media Psychology, Public Understanding of Science, and Health Communication, among others. Dr. Wang has taught a multitude of courses in the PRAAC (Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communications) track and the GSC (Global Strategic Communication) Master's program, including Principles of Public Relations, Health Communication, and Communication Research Methods, among others. She actively participates in professional organizations such as AEJMC (Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication) and ICA (International Communication Association). In the past, she chaired the Awards Committee and the Professional Freedom & Responsibility Committee of the Mass Communication & Society Division of AEJMC. Currently, Dr. Wang serves as an Associate Editor for the Asian Journal of Communication.