
  • Diann Newman has been an educator/administrator at Florida International University since 1975. She has had administrative responsibilities ranging from the Director of Admissions to Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies to her current role as Assistant Dean for Student Services for Hospitality Management. Professor Newman also teaches Leadership Training for Teambuilding.

    Dr. Newman is a professional speaker and workshop facilitator. She conducts seminars on topics such as self-esteem, and communication skills. and has recently presented for Royal Caribbean Cruiselines, Rancho La Puerta and New Age Health Spa.

    Dr. Newman is licensed in Florida as a Mental Health Counselor. She has co-authored the book, Human Resource Management: A Customer-Oriented Approach (Prentice-Hall, 1998).

    She has received recognition in the University for her excellence in advising and in teaching and for her work in promoting appreciation of diversity.

research interests

  • Diversity, Emotional Intelligence, Human Relations, Leadership Training, Teambuilding

selected scholarly works & creative activities

full name

  • Diann Newman
