Dr. Mark Macgowan’s current research is on the effective practice and teaching of group work, factors contributing to adolescent suicidality, and disaster mental health. He is the author of Guide to Evidence-Based Group Work and co-author of Group Work Research, both with Oxford University Press, and is co-editor of Evidence-Based Group Work in Community Settings and IASWG Standards for Social Work with Groups, both with Taylor & Francis. Dr. Macgowan has received multiple professional and university awards for excellence in teaching and research and has received two Fulbright Scholar awards; Senior Scholar to the Universidad de Murcia, Spain (2023), and Distinguished Chair Visiting Professor to the University of Edinburgh, Scotland (2012-2013). As a licensed therapist and supervisor of therapist trainees, Dr. Macgowan has substantial clinical experience particularly in the areas of substance use and disaster mental health. He has specialized training related to disaster response including psychological first aid and EMDR and serves nationally as a behavioral health specialist with a federal disaster medical assistance team (DMAT).
research interests
Evidence-Informed Group Work, Adolescent Suicidality, Disaster Mental Health