Armagan, Sungu Graduate Faculty



  • Dr. Armagan’s research has appeared in publications such as the International Journal of Cross Cultural Management , the edited volume of Research on Managing Groups and Teams: National Culture & Groups, and Revista Portuguesa de Marketing. She also won a best paper award from the Academy of Management Conference in 2002.

    She has presented her research at a number of national and international academic meetings including those of Academy of Management, Academy of International Business, Western Academy of Management, Eastern Academy of Management–International, and Research on Managing Groups and Teams. She has been awarded grants from the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), Western Academy of Management, and the University of Utah to pursue her research on groups and negotiating dyads in intra- and cross-cultural contexts.

    Outside her research, Dr. Armagan has conducted seminars and workshops for managers and other personnel on managerial negotiations.

research interests

  • Group Decision-Making; Membership Change in Groups

selected scholarly works & creative activities

full name

  • Sungu Armagan
