Software-defined Radios to Accelerate mmWave Wireless Innovation Conference

Zheng, K, Dhananjay, A, Mezzavilla, M et al. (2019). Software-defined Radios to Accelerate mmWave Wireless Innovation . 10.1109/DySPAN.2019.8935877

cited authors

  • Zheng, K; Dhananjay, A; Mezzavilla, M; Madanayake, A; Bharadwaj, S; Ariyarathna, V; Gosain, A; Melodia, T; Restuccia, F; Jornet, J; Polese, M; Zorzi, M; Buckwalter, J; Rodwell, M; Mandal, S; Wang, X; Haarla, J; Semkin, V


  • Imagine a dystopian world in which pianists did not have access to pianos. They would dream up sheet music, and have a computer simulate a recital. They would then go to their premier conference PianoCom to present a paper on their novel sheet music; and perhaps even spend the evening arguing about whose sheet music was more pleasing to the ears.

publication date

  • November 1, 2019

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