Adaptive visualization pipeline decomposition and mapping onto computer networks Conference

Zhu, M, Wu, Q, Rao, NSV et al. (2004). Adaptive visualization pipeline decomposition and mapping onto computer networks . 402-405.

cited authors

  • Zhu, M; Wu, Q; Rao, NSV; Iyengar, SS



  • This paper discusses algorithmic and implementation aspects of a remote visualization system, which adoptively decomposes and maps the visualization pipeline onto a wide-area network. Visualization pipeline modules such as filtering, geometry extraction, rendering, and display are dynamically assigned to network nodes to achieve minimal total delay or maximal frame rate. Polynomial-time optimal algorithms using the dynamic programming method to compute the optimal decomposition and mapping are proposed. We implemented an OpenGL-based remote visualization system. We evaluated its performance using a deployment at three geographically distributed nodes. © 2004 IEEE.

publication date

  • December 1, 2004

start page

  • 402

end page

  • 405